Park Love

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Requests are open for those who wants to give them.
Second update of the night but don't know if it will go on tonight or maybe tomorrow.
Will see.
Hope you enjoy.
Love Joshaya forever!

Maya Hart walked around in the little park nearby her apartment while she knew her parents wouldn't come looking for her.
Lately all Katy and Shawn can do is argue and it is getting to het pretty badly.
She exhaled sitting down on a bench looking as children run past her.
She smiled handing a ball over to a two year old girl who ran back to her mother.

Josh looked at the young teenage girl sitting by herself as he went forward sitting down next to her.
Of course he never did like interacting with people but this one felt different.
She felt like nothing before.

"So, how come a beautiful girl like yourself is sitting out here?" Josh asked and Maya smiled at the pick-up-line.
"A beautiful girl like me is trying to get away from the crazyness of her family. Or patents," Maya said causing Josh to nod.
"Well not like a gorgeous girl should be on her own," Josh said causing Maya to look him in the eye.

For the first time in her life she truly did understand what they meant with you will know when you found love.
But she didn't know if it was true love and if it was just going to be something which will last a day.

She exhaled looking up at the sky seeing how the clouds were drifting past each other.
She smiled as Josh also looked up.
Cloud watching wasn't exactly his favorite thing to do when he came to a park but it was okay.
For now.

"So, this is what you do when you come here?" Josh asked.
"No, I watch as people walk by me," Maya said and they both looked at each other before Josh lifted his head.

He stood up causing Maya to look at him as he held out his hand.
Maya carefully thought about it before she allowed him to help her up.
The two of them then went on a walk down to the pond to where Josh has spend a lot of his time.

"And this is how I spend my time. Sitting here watching the geese," Josh said and Maya smiled.
"I think now is about a good time to introduce myself. Maya Hart."
"Joshua Matthews, pleased to meet you," Josh said smiling as they sat down.

Maya sat close to Josh allowing their arms to touch but neither minded it at all.
Maya looked down as she quickly looked back at the pond to where the geese was now at.
She smiled realizing it was set.

Josh looked over at the girl admiring her beauty as he had never seen a girl like her before.
The sun was slowly setting but that didn't bother either of them.
Josh brushed a curl out of her blue eyes causing her to look at him before crashing their lips causing a sweet and soft kiss.

And from that day the two young teens went to that exact park every day.
They went there when Maya felt too overwhelmed with her parents or when she just needed to find some ssir away from her family.

Everything happened there for Josh and Maya.
Their first met.
Their first kiss.
Their first dance.
Their first I love you.
Their first fight.
Their first I'm sorry.
And the moment Josh asked Maya to marry him.
Which was the most amazing experience of their lives.

The whole park was as busy as could be.
Except for that one spot where everything happened for the two of them.
Josh had taken her there so they could just relax.
But she had no idea what could possibly happen next.

"Why did you bring me here? I know it's our spot but we don't actually come here a lot anymore," Maya said.
"Because I wanted this moment to take place at a very special place. Maya Penelope Hart, will you marry me?" Josh asked as he pulled out a ring causing Maya to gasp.
"Of course I will," Maya said as Josh slided the ring in her finger before pulling her in for a passionate kiss.

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