A Crazy New Year

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A super lame one shot by me.
Don't know if anyone will like this comment down below what you guys think.
Requests are open if you guys have any.

Maya exhaled as she looked around.
Everyone had gone up to the roof to celebrate New Year but she wasn't in the mood for any of that.
The triangle with Lucas and Riley want just eating on her but it was slowly getting too much for the teenager who suddenly had no idea what could happen next.
Even if she was prepared for the worst even that won't prepare her for what could happen next.

Cory and Topanga came into the living room seeing a clean area but seeing Maya sitting on her own wondering what could have happened that the 14 year old is sitting on her own.

"Not much of a mess at all really," Cory said walking across the couch.
"Yeah. Good bunch of kids, although they left behind a whole human being," Topanga said smacking her hands on her knees as she sat down next to Maya.
"I'm a mess. Who's gonna clean me up?" Maya asked.
"Whatcha matter, honey?" Cory asked.
"I'm a mess," Maya said as she heard how someone opened the door.
"Then I'll clean you up," she heard a familiar voice saying causing her head to turn to the door.

"Josh," Maya said barely able to speak.
"Hi, Maya. Cor where is everyone?" Josh asked.
"Roof," Cory said.
"Maya, can I talk to you?" Josh asked and Maya nodded.

She stood up grabbing her jacket as she went out of the door.
Josh gave Cory a assuring look making sure his brother knew that the young girl would be okay as he went after her.

Josh and Maya were now sitting in a old bakery away from anyone who would actually see them as Maya was confused over why he was there and ybout of all people would he want to see her.

"So... What are you doing here? Thought you would spend it with your parents. Last New Year where you are not in college," Maya said trying to keep the conversation going instead of showing Josh how uncomfortable she really was.
"I actually came to see you as weird as it may sound," Josh said causing Maya to look at him.
"Why? Why me? Why not your brother or Riley or Auggie? Why a girl like me?" Maya asked.
"Because a girl like you have never left my mind since I left this place in August," Josh said causing Maya to slightly blush.
"I know you and I can never technically happen. You're 14 and I'm 17. I still think the age difference is huge. No matter what I'll think that. But I think I am now more understanding about the situation," Josh said as Maya looked at him.
"You're right. When you are in love you don't notice how many things are. One of them..." Josh said stretching his arm over the table laying his hand down on Maya's.
"Being a three year age difference towards a girl you are madly in love with," Josh said and Maya smiled.
"Maybe it isn't as weird as I thought it was. It was weird to me because I never thought someone three years younger than me could eventually feel the same for me. Or feel anything towards me. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe all I needed was a girl telling me how she really feels before I come to my senses. Three years is nothing in the history of love," Josh said.

Maya looked at him immediately shaking her head trying to come to terms with what she was hearing.
She knew for a fact that she wasn't about to just tell him it is okay.
She changed too much and even if her feelings then didn't change she knew she was a lot more mature than she as a few months ago.

"Josh, what on earth are you and I then going to do? You live in Philadelphia and I live in New York. It's a 200 mile difference," Maya said.
"And I think that is what constantly put me off. Not knowing what could happen with the distance. And it still does. But I don't want us to just give up. If anything I learned the last few months you and I can make it work if we really want to," Josh said.
"And I do. But how will it change us?" Maya asked.
"Not at all. Nothing will change how I feel about you. Nothing on earth. I love you, Maya Hart," Josh said causing Maya to smile.
"I love you too."

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