Someday Difficulties

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Request from FanficGirl1610
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Maya exhaled as she looked out of the apartment to where it was full with people.
She knew that she would probably see Josh there yet again making her heart feel a little bit lighter as she knew he would make her feel better about her situation.
She saw the door opening immediately seeing the college guy smiling as he immediately went to her.

"Maya," Josh said.
"Josh," Maya said smiling as she bit her lip.
"Hi," Josh said giving Maya a hug.
"How are you?" Josh asked.
"I'm good. I'm okay," Maya said ad Josh sat down next to her.
"What's up?" Josh asked.
"My mom and Shawn are away for the holidays so I'm kinda on my own," Maya said.
"Well that had never bothered you before. Why now?" Josh asked.
"I got used to seeing Shawn everyday," Maya said as Josh threw his arm around Maya's shoulder.
"Now you can get used to seeing me more often," Josh said causing Maya to smile.

"Joshua, het your paws off the girl," Amy said and Maya smiled as Josh pulled himself away.
"Hi, Mrs Matthews," Maya said.
"I don't like this whole thing about you two. You are way too young for my son. By the time you are done with high school he'll be 22 wanting to go on with his life but he can't because of this promise he made," Amy said and Maya exhaled.
"The promise we made, Mrs Matthews, is that we both go on with our lives and maybe someday we will happen. It doesn't mean that it should happen immediately," Maya said.
"You guys are more comfortable with each other. Is that because of someday?" Riley asked and Maya exhaled.
"What does it matter?" Josh asked.
"Yeah. We are for now friends and that is enough for me," Maya said.

"That is also all you will be. I can't have my son dating a minor. I can't except it," Amy said and Maya looked at her.
"We aren't. We are just good friends and for now that is just fine," Maya said.
"Calm down Gorgeous. My mother is anyway the last person to judge. She and my father are also three years apart. Let's go on a walk then we can get away from this crazyness," Josh said.
"Joshua," Amy said causing her son to look at her.
"You are worried over me and Maya while Cory did mcuh worse when he was my age. Yeah, maybe he didn't have a feelings for a girl three years younger than him but he got married at 18 and became a dad at 19. Why is this such a huge problem to anyone?" Josh asked as he and Maya went out of the door into the cold air.

"Somehow you are not even trying to act mean. Your mom means well," Maya said.
"It doesn't feel like it. It's like ever since I told her about someday she has been judgemental towards me. Like I literally did the worst thing in earth. I can't believe suddenly everythjng changed in a second. My mother is going to drive me crazy," Josh said.
"Doesn't she always?" Maya asked causing Josh to chuckle ad they enter a park.
"Maybe," Josh said.

Maya smiled as she late November wind flew through her hair.
For the first time she was actually just able to think about everything in her life.
She was calm and she was relaxed.
Something she never thought could happen.

"Somehow this isn't bad actually. Just walking together, talking. I missed it," Maya said.
"But you and Riley talk all the time," Josh said.
"Not about everything anymore. Ski Lodge changed a lot for everyone. Not just you and me. Sometimes I feel like my friendship with Riley isn't the same as it was," Maya said as Josh tangled his fingers with Maya's.
"It's okay. You'll always have her as a best friend and maybe this whole experience will change how you guys see life," Josh said and Maya smiled.


"So now that my grandma is gone. What was it with you and Uncle Josh? The whole arm skrums the shoulder thing," Riley said.
"Probably the same with the whole holding hands while walking through a park thing. We feel comfortable. Why is that such a sin?" Maya asked.
"Because he is 3 years older, Maya," Riley said and May's rolled her eyes.
"Well that didn't stop us from playing someday. Let's not talk about that rught now," Maya said.


Maya exhaled as she walked in the park not realizing what will happen next.
She was so incredibly unsure what to do about her and Josh that she didn't even want to think about anything.
She exhaled as she sat down on the bench shortly before she saw someone else.

"Josh? What are you doing here?" Maya asked.
"Came to see you so I took my chance when I knew you would be here," Josh said sitting down next to the young girl.
"I don't think we..." Maya said but couldn't finish her sentence.

Before she could say anything else Josh grabbed her face giving her a soft kiss which she got lost in.
She pulled away exhaling as she knew what they just did was wrong but it felt so good to her.
She smiled boring her lip as she knew it was just the beginning of many things.

"What happened to the long game?" Maya asked.
"I can't do that. Knowing you know how I feel and not being able to hold hands with you, to kiss you, tell you I love you... I'm sorry I can't do that," Josh said
"Neither can I. I love you too Josh. Let's forget about all of these stupid rules and just ebky being a couple. Why can't we?" Maya asked and Josh smiled.
"No good reason," Josh said as he gave Maya another kiss.

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