College Acceptance

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Requests are open
Request from @Laloamg625

Maya exhaled looking at the letter in her hand reading it over and over again.
She couldn't believe that she actually got in never mind what anyone was going to say.
She shakes her head burying the letter in her backpack.

"What are you doing here?" she heard a voice turning her head finding bright blue eyes which she could easily immediately get lost in.
"Hey, Josh. I got my college letter. So I just wanted to open it in peace. But in the end it was not egood news then bad. Or at least for me," Maya said as Josh sat down next to her.
"What's going on?" Josh asked as Maya gave him the letter.

He slowly read it as Maya could see he was happy about the news but that he also wasn't sure why Maya said it was onyl good news to her.

"But this is amazing. You got into NYU," Josh said.
"But Riley got into Austin. We hoped that we would both get into the same college and now we aren't. Now it is the hard part ahead. Actually telling her that she'll be going to NYU without me," Maya said.
"You'll be fine. I know it. But let's not worry about that. Come on. This deserves celebration," Josh said standing up as he helped Maya up.
"What celebration?" Maya asked grabbing her backpack.
"You'll see," Josh said as they walked on to the car.

Maya smiled during the car ride not thinking about what could possibly happen next.
She was now 18 and got into NYU.
She knew it was going to be something so extremely exciting to actually go to college but she didn't know what to do with the fact that she and Riley didn't get into the same college.

"So, why are you so scared because you and Riley didn't get into the same college?" Josh asked.
"We didn't think we would necessarily have to move away from each other. She and Lucas are going to Austin while Farkle and Smackle are going to Yale," Maya said.
"Oh and poor Zay? Where did he get in?" Josh asked.
"Austin," Maya said.
"I still don't get what you are worried about. Come here we are," Josh said as they climbed out of the car seeing that they were at a little place.

Maya looked at Josh as she got out of the car immediately looking at him not sure where or why he brought her to this specific place.

"We went to this amusement park for my sweet sixteen. I was still in shock because Riley was staying while you just went with the role and took me here to enjoy the afternoon. Riley had a tutor session with Cory," Maya said.
"It was here where you and I were actually just ourselves. No fake needed. We were ourselves. You told me about all of the things you were afraid of while I did the same. You told me you wanted to go to NYU for art because you never really wanted to leave home or your family. Now you have that opportunity but you are too scared for which reason I don't know," Josh said.

Mays smiled as she shook her head.
Josh has always had a way with words even if it was only for a short while.
She looked out over the museum and quickly looked at Josh.

"I'm scared because Riley isn't going to NYU anymore and I haven't told her that I applied to NYU. Now I have to tell her that I also got in. It's huge when you think of it," Maya said.
"And you'll be okay. And no matter what, I'll also be here for you," Josh said as he took Maya in his arms.
"Thank you," Maya said.

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