Years Later

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Maya looked as Riley was busy young around chasing her little brother while Maya put a bowl of salad down on the table.
Of course she was definitely not super excited to eventually face a lot of people but she did know that she would have loved to see some people.

"Excited to see my parents, Maya? I remember when we once took you there you ran around for hours in the backyard," Cory said and Maya smiled.
"Yeah, I remember. Is your brother also coming?" Maya asked.

She has only seen the young Josh once and that was very fast.
She doubts he'll even remember her but even if he would how would he feel towards the young teenage girl?

"Yeah, he is. You still remember Josh?" Topanga asked as Maya nod.
"You people practically show me pictures of him every day," Maya said smiling as she hears the buzzer.

"Shawn?" Cory said hoping it was his best friend.
"No, just us," Amy said and Cory exhaled.
"Come on up, Mom," Cory said buzzing his parents up.
"Okay, so this is about it. Thank you, Maya," Topanga said as Alan and Amy came through the door.

"Grandma, Grandpa," Auggie said as he and Riley fan over to their grandparents.
"Riley, Auggie. You two got so big," Alan said smiling ad both he and Amy received a hug from their grandkids.

"Tell me that isn't Maya. Oh my gosh, look hoe you grew up," Amy said giving Maya a hug.
"Hi, Mrs Matthews," Maya said.
"Wow, you did grow up," Alan said as he hugged the girl.
"Thank you, Mr Matthews. Where is your son?" Maya asked.
"Parking the car. Told him he could drive the last half hour. Serious mistake," Alan said as Josh came through the door.
"What do you mean, Dad?" Josh asked throwing the car keys to his father as he took his jacket off.
"Hi, Josh. How are you?" Maya asked.
"Hi," Josh said going to greet his brother causing his father to look at him.

"Joshua, aren't you even going to look at the girl? I raised you better," Alan said.
"It's okay, Mr Matthews. Some people clearly don't have any manners," Maya said rolling her eyes as she went to the kitchen.

"I don't have manners? If I remember correctly even when we met you called my brother on his first name," Josh said and Maya turned around looking at the boy.

The last time she did see Josh was when she was five.
It was 10 years ago and she had started to call Cory on his first name then but as she remembered he insisted on it as well.

"I'm not even going to answer that question," Maya said as she grabbed herself a glass of water.
"Josh, that was rude. I told Maya from a young age to call me Cory because otherwise she'll confuse me with Dad. You are the worst," Cory said going to Maya.
"Don't mind him," Cory said.
"I'm okay," Maya said as she went to put down plates on the table.

"Who is coming? Because I've never seen a table this big before," Josh said.
"Topanga?" Cory said.
"Well the eight of us, Eric, Morgan and Mr Feeny. Oh and Jonathan is going to drag Shawn over as well," Topanga said.
"13 people? That's a lot. How do you usually fit anyone in here?" Josh asked and Maya heard a yell from the hallway.


"That's Auggie," Maya said as Cory and Topanga ran down the hall.
"What's going on?" Riley asked and Maya shrugged her shoulders before Cory came out with Auggie in his arms.
"Got cut by glass," Cory said as Maya took out the first aid kit from the sink.

She quickly made a cloth wet as she went over to where Cory went to sit down with the five year old.

"Okay," Maya said gently putting the cloth over Auggie's hand trying to stop the bleeding.
"It's cold," Auggie said causing Maya to smile.
"Yeah, it is. Am I hurting you?" Maya asked and Auggie shook his head.
"Okay," Maya said opening the cloth trying to see if she can spot a piece of glass.
"Nothing is in there," Maya said as she put a plaster over the finger.
"There you go. All new," Maya said as Auggie gave her a kiss on her cheek before he ran off his father's lap.

"Me and Topanga always freak out with these kind of things. Thanks Maya," Cory said and Maya nod as she out everything back where they belong.
"No problem," Maya said as she hears a knock on the door.
"I got it," Maya said as she went to open it.

"Moesha," Eric said and Maya smiled.
"Eric, welcome," Maya said giving him a hug as he came through.
"Mr Feeny is going to come with Morgan. Where is my favorite brothers?" Eric asked giving Josh and Cory each a hug.

"Trying to tell our baby brother to back off Maya's case," Cory said.
"Stop giving her grieve. How is high school, Maya?" Eric asked.
"Odd question for someone in their sophomore year but good. The teachers are impressed with me," Maya said.
"That's good. Riley, where is your brother?" Eric asked.
"He went to play. Maya had to just help because a awful glass cut happened. Where is Mom?" Riley asked.
"Cleaning up the glass," Cory said.

"Did I hear my name? Hey, Eric. How are you?" Topanga asked giving him a hug.
"I'm good the others should be here soon," Eric said as they heard the door.

Cory went to open it finding the rest of the guests as he greeted all of them.
He allowed them in as Morgan immediately saw Maya.

"Ah, Maya. Didn't know you would be here. How are you?" Morgan asked.
"I'm good thanks, Morgan. And who are these three gentlemen?" Maya asked.
"Our middle school teacher, George Feeny, our high school teacher, Jonathan Turner, and my best friend, Shawn Hunter. Maya is a family friend. Me and Topanga went to college with her father," Cory said.
"And please. Don't start with the whole sir or mr thing. Shawn is just fine," Shawn said causing Maya to chuckle.
"Okay. Please to meet you guys," Maya said smiling.
"Disgraceful," Josh mumbled causing Maya to look at him.
"I'm gonna see where Auggie is," Maya said.

"No you're not. Josh can't actually judge cause he also calls Shawn on his name. Stop bugging her now. This definitely isn't Christmas," Cory said and Maya rolled her eyes laughing.
"Cory leave it, will you?" Maya asked as Josh looked at the girl.

Of course he grew up with Shawn so that was different and he was pretty sure Cory knew that.
But somehow he was intrigued by the young teenage in front of him.
In a way she was so much more than he could ever imagine even if he only remembers her vaguely.

"Okay, fine. I'll stop nagging," Josh said and Maya smiled as she walked doen the hall.
"She's different than I remember," Josh said.
"How?" Riley asked.
"Just different," Josh said as Maya came out with Auggie in her arms putting him down.

"You are actually not bad with kids," Josh said and Maya smiles at the compliment.
"Thanks," Maya said.
"So, Cor. How is this friend of yours? What's his name? Um... Kermit," Josh said.
"Ask Maya. She's his daughter," Cory said.
"Then we have lots of catching up to do," Josh said.
"Didn't know you knew my father," Maya said.
"I don't. I just hear wonderful things," Josh said as Maya smiled.
"Well what do you want to know?" Maya asked.

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