Saved By You

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If you guys have not go and read Running Into Your Arms one shot is based on that book.
Requests are open.

Riley Matthews and Lucas Friar are walking in sircles while they try to figure out where Maya Hart could have disappeared to.
But without any success.
Neither have any idea where the young girl could be and Lucas of course thinks it's his responsibility to get her back.
Wherever she is.

"This is all my fault. She has been going on about Josh for weeks now. Why didn't I just do something?" Riley asked.
"It's not your fault. She has always kept her feelings a secret. We're just blaming ourselves for something we couldn't have stopped," Lucas said.

"We can't find her," Farkle said as he and Zay came through the doors.
"Oh, boy," Riley said and Cory came through.
"And now? Why are you all here?" Cory asked.
"Maya ran away," Riley said bursting in tears.

"Whoa, calm down, Honey. Lucas what is going on?" Cory asked.
"Maya kinda freaked out when we began to nag over your brother and ran off," Lucas said.
"Josh? Oh, boy. What are your plans?" Cory asked.
"We just looked everywhere, Sir. We can't find her," Farkle said.
"What about the police then? How long has it been?" Cory asked.
"Three hours or so," Lucas said.
"If she isn't back by eight we'll go to the police," Cory said.
"I'm gonna look for her. Come, Farkle," Lucas said and they were gone.
"Daddy," Riley said and Cory embraced his daughter.
"It's okay. Zay, you with them. You'll be able to help them," Cory said and he was off.


Maya Hart was sitting in a park not too far from the apartment while she didn't actually know what she wanted.
She wishes she could forget about Joshua Matthews but she couldn't.
Suddenly everything went dark and all she could hear were voices talking.
She had no idea what was going on and didn't want to be awga anymore.
What was going on?
Where are these people taking her?
Will she be okay?
Will she survive?
She has no possible idea.


Back at the Matthews everyone was now getting very paranoid about Maya being gone and involved Katy.
She was now also very worried about everything going on and Topanga had to keep her calm.
Tears were streaming down her face and Topanga handed her a tissue.

"Maya has ran away various times. She'll be just fine," Topanga said.
"But not for longer than two hours. She left six hours ago. Why is she doing this? Why is..."
"Okay calm down. I'm gonna find out if Riley is okay," Cory said and was gone.

Lucas, Farkle, Zay and Smackle were with Riley trying to keep her calm while she was clearly in tears.
Nobody had an idea how to help her and nobody had a clue what to do.
Lucas had his arm over her shoulder as she was crying her eyes out.

"She'll be fine. I know it," Lucas said and Riley smiled wiping her tears away.
"I hope so," Riley said and saw her father.
"Daddy?" Riley said not knowing what is going.
"Smackle go look at school if Maya is there. Farkle, Zay you guys are coming with me. You stay with my daughter," Cory said and everyone did as they were told.
"Where are we going?" Farkle asked.
"Reporting Maya. Even her mother says something isn't right. Let's go," Cory said and they were gone.
"If her mom thinks something isn't..."
"Hey calm down. I'm sure everything is just a misunderstanding," Lucas said.


"Okay, more than that we can't do," Cory said as he came through the door with Farkle and Zay.

Riley finally came out of her room and was just sitting with Lucas and Smackle while even Katy had stopped crying.

"What do you mean?" Topanga asked.
"We reported her missing. The police will now look for her as well," Zay said.
"That's good. She isn't at school," Smackle said and Cory nod.
"Where's Auggie?" Cory asked and saw the seven year old boy coming out.

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