Always Part 5

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This part of the one shot is inspired by one shot memories so if you haven't read it go and read it.
Italics are past tense.
This one shot is 10 years after they started to date making Maya 25 and Josh 28.

"Who is this?"

Maya smiled at her four year old daughter, Isla, looking at a picture.
She admired the little girl who absolutely looked like her father.
She had every single part of her from Josh.
The only two things Maya thinks her daughter got from her was her sparkling blue eyes and the fact that she was a little short.

"You know who that is," Maya said smiling doen at her daughter.


"Yeah, it is. It is Daddy," Maya said from where she and her daughter was laying in Islam's bed going through a old picture book.

Isla goes through to the next page finding a picture taken on the day Maya and Josh decided to get engaged.
What a crazy day, Maya thought to herself.
At that moment her life was still so unsure.
She and Josh had been dating for over three years at that point and not in a million years did she think would he have asked her to get married.

"Josh, what is going on with you lately? You are acting do weird and don't lie about it. I've known you for thirteen years now. I know when you are acting up," Maya said from where she was sitting on a blanket just outside of New York in a park with her boyfriend.
"I've got something I need to do and I don't know what the answer will be. It's something I need to ask you," Josh said and Maya looked at him.
"By now you know you don't have to me..." Maya said gaping as she saw how Josh pulled out a box from his pocket.
"Josh, what is going on?" Maya asked as Josh opened the box revealing a diamond.
"Maya Penelope Hunter, will you marry me?" Josh asked and Maya nod.
"Of course."

"Mommy!" Isla gasped catching Maya's attention as she was looking at a picture of Josh and Maya on their wedding day.
"You and Daddy look like a fairytale."
"We do?" Maya asked giving her daughter a kiss.
"Yeah. I want that too someday," Isla said causing Maya to smile as she flipped over to the next page finding a picture of a t-shirt alongside her.

"Do you remember that, Isla?" Maya asked and het daughter gave her a nod.
"It's when me and daddy told you that you are gonna be a big sister," Maya said remembering that day.

"I didn't ask for a shirt," Isla said causing Josh to smile at his daughter.
"Isla, this is something very special. Look. Let's see what it says," Josh said crunching down to his daughter reading the saying.
"Big sister. You are gonna be a big sister. Mommy has a baby in her belly," Josh said and Maya went down to her three year old.
"Hear that, Princess? Y ou are gonna get a baby brother or sister," Maya said as Isla smiled.

"Lyndy," Isla said causing Maya to look at the picture of her daughter in the hospital.
"Yeah. That's baby Lyndy," Maya said.

She remembers her pregnancies not being very easy but also not extremely hard.
She ha dit bad with morning sickness and in her last trimester she was basically in bed rest with Isla while with Lyndy she wasn't making her pregnancy much more enjoyable.

But with complications during birth with Lyndy it caused her to go into the NICU while Maya and Josh were very confused.
Maya went into labor a month early which didn't happen with Isla the first time.
She remembers how everything had changed that day as well.

Isla goes to the next page finding a picture of her in her mother's arms while they were waiting for the new baby to be suring enough to finally go home.
Isla climbed carefully onto bed going into Maya's arms trying to tell her mom it will be okay.

Talking about, Lyndy, a smile came upon Maya's face as she saw how Josh came into the room with a fresh bathed Lyndy.

"Ready for the movie?" Josh asked.
"Yay, Frozen 2!" Isla said as Josh laid down next to her with Lyndy in his arms.
"Let me just put this away and get some popcorn," Maya said as she placed the photo album back in the wall looking at her husband with their precious girls.

She could never have thought that it would turn out that this was her life.
She was happily married to the live of her life while she had two beautiful baby girls.
Maya grabbed a bowl of popcorn putting it down on the coffee table as she went to lay down next to Josh holding Isla in her arms as they started the movie.

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