Never Alone

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Request from StellaFanfic2020
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Maya looked around as most of the people were now on a hike.
The snow were laying thick on the mountain and the wind was freezing due to the snow the previous day.

"Maya, for goodness sake. Don't go so close to the end. If you fall..."
"Huckleberry, don't worry about me. Worry about your girlfriend who is injured," Maya said walking around.
"What Maya means is it's one of the chauffeurs worries. Aka me so don't worry," Josh said.
"Oh boy. You are gonna start trouble," Smackle said as she went over to Farkle and Lucas went to Zay.

"Why are you trying to be on purpose and work on all of our nerves?" Josh asked as Maya hears a noise.
"What was that?" Maya asked causing Josh to look around as he had also heard the noise.
"Don't know. Cory," Josh said.
"Josh, Maya watch out!" Farkle yelled and Josh saw as a avalanche was coming their way.

"Maya!" Josh said pushing Maya away causing both of them to roll down a cliff.
"Josh... Okay kids. Stand back," Cory said as Topanga helped him to get the kids aside.

Tumbling down the ledge Josh hoped that both he and Maya would be okay.
His brother said that nature is dangerous and he was right.
As the two fell in the snow Josh silently said thank you that they were okay.
Josh shakes his jeans getting the snow off as he saw how Maya was laying on her back in the snow rushing to her.

"Maya?" Josh said as Maya opened her eyes.
"Good grieve. You scared the crap out of me. Are you okay?" Josh asked helping Maya up.
"Yeah. Where are we?" Maya asked.
"I don't know. A cave. You sure you're okay? Wiggle your arms so I can see," Josh said and Maya did as she was told.
"Okay good. Now we have to find a way to get out of this place," Josh said going forward.

The cave where the two of them were in were covered with snow and was difficult to get out of.
Josh exhaled looking around trying to see if he can spot a place where the two of them can go out.

Maya started to breathe deeply trying not to freak out as Josh saw it shaking his head knowing there was trouble brewing fast.
He walked over to Maya trying to figure out whag she was thinking knowing it won't happen.

"Calm down. It will be fine. It'll be okay," Josh said trying to calm Maya down.
"I'll get us out of here," Josh said and pulled Maya close into him.

Maya exhaled feeling safe as she knew now was the right time to just enjoy the moment.
Josh stroke Maya's hair lightly knowing she was afraid but also knowing he had the power to not make her feel frightened.
Josh lightly exhaled as Maya pulled herself away looking into Josh's eyes giving him a smile as he pressed his lips on hers.

Feeling his lips on her was the most incredible feeling Maya had ever felt before in her life.
With him she felt s e e And Didn't Have to worry about anything else.
She hot lost in the moment.
As they heard noises they pulled away from the kiss trying to figure out where the noises were coming from.

"Josh! Maya!"

Josh laughed as Maya just placed her head on Josh's chest.

"Cory, calm your voice before you cause another avalanche," Josh said.
"Are you guys hurt?" Topanga asked.
"No, we're fine, Topanga," Maya said.
"Okay, stay right here then we'll get help," Cory said.
"Not like we can go any," Josh mumbered as Maha smiled.
"I never felt afraid. Not with you," Maya said as Josh gave her a soft kiss.

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