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Maya and Riley was still sitting at NYU while Josh tried to figure out how to get past his brother.
This was a true mess and he one wit but he had no idea how to get out of it.

"I'll explain to your brother, Josh. It's okay," Maya said.
"No, it's not okay!" Josh said looking at her furious.
"It's not okay! What are you gonna tell him? Sorry, but me and Riley just snuck out to a college party? You're fourteen, Maya. Cory is gonna catch snakes and then my head is on the chopping board. You really didn't think," Josh said and Maya exhaled.
"Uncle Josh, she's sorry. That must count for something," Riley said.
"Yeah. Probably. What are we going to tell your dad, Riley?" Josh asked.

"What about Maya was trying to get some sense into your head? Josh, why do you keep on rejecting her? Look at what she did for you. She loves you and that is as clear as daylight. Why are you doing this?" Jasmine asked.
"Yeah, dude. You know what I would do if a girl did this for me?" Andrew said and Josh exhaled.
"Guys, it's not that simple," Josh said.
"Maybe you should give up, Maya," Riley said and Maya smiled.

"You think this is as easy as giving up? You have no idea what you're talking about," Maya said as she stood up.
"Maya, what is this about?" Jasmine asked.
"My dad left me and my mom when I was five. He never came back and still didn't. After awhile they got divorced and I ended up in my mom's care. We had to learn to cope on our own. A new kind of normal," Maya said as Josh went to sit down once again from his rant.
"This isn't just about some kind of feeling but to fight to keep something alive. Other than my parents I can do something about my future," Maya said.

"Maya, what do you want to do someday?" Charlotte asked.
"One day I want to say that my paintings are in a museum and after years of hard work I can finally say I'm where I need to be in life," Maya said.
"You do art?" Jasmine asked.
"Yeah. I've loved it since I was four," Maya said.
"I'm sorry to hear about your dad," Josh said and Maya looked up at him.

He hasn't talked to her often in a voice he did right now, actually never.
It was soft and even though it still had a big of anger in it she could see that he has calmed down a lot.
She gives him a soft smile before he sits down next to her.

"It really is a bad thing that happened to you. I wish it to no one on earth," Josh said.
"Thank you," Maya said.
"I'm not mad anymore. But just think in the future before you do things like this again, okay?" Josh said and Maya nod.
"Okay. Let me get you two home," Josh said as he and Maya stood up.

Josh gently put his hand on Maya's back to give her a push as Riley stood up.
She couldn't believe what her best friend had just done despite that it is Maya.

"Will you be okay?" Jasmine asked.
"With all of the yelling."
"I think I'll be just fine," Maya said smiling as she, Josh and Riley went out.


"Are you out of your mind? You can't drag your thirteen year old niece to a college party!" Cory said and Josh shook his head lightly.
"I can explain, Cory," Josh said.
"It was me. I dragged Riley there," Maya said and Josh looked at her.
"You? Okay then. I'm going to call your mother," Topanga said.
"No, wait. She didn't do anything wrong. Besides she's just a kid," Josh said.
"Sorry but Katy is going to have to take charge here. I anyway should have called her ages ago. Her daughter is getting out of hand," Cory said.
"Cornelius, stop looking for trouble. Your daughter is safe and isn't that all that actually matters?" Josh asked.
"Next time I hear you dragged her to a place like that I call your mother. Do you understand?" Cory said and Maya nod.

For the first time in her life she was actually scared for the man.
It was like she was facing someone she didn't want to ever again.
Josh took a close look at the girl seeing she is terrified of his brother.
Knowing he had to do something.

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