Safe In My Hands

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Topanga exhales as she looks in front of her at her daughter and its best friend.
Knowing that news like she still had to break to one of the people who meant the most to her family was slowly being delayed because they were scared how the teenage girl would react.
She sees as a guy in his late teens come inside the café as she went towards her daughter.

"Riley, we need to go. Maya, are you coming with?"
"No. Um... I want some time alone," Maya said.
"Okay, let's go Sweetie," Topanga said.
"You sure you'll be okay?" Riley asked as Maya nodded.
"Okay," Riley said as they left.

As they left Topanga gave Josh a smile before they went out of the door.
Josh exhaled as he leaned over the girl's shoulder as she was looking at a old picture book.

"Still as beautiful as always or what do you say, Gorgeous?" Josh said qs a slight smile grew on her face.
"Yeah," Maya said as Josh put his chin on Maya's shoulder.
"What are you thinking?" Josh asked.
"Nothing much. What are you doing here?" Maya asked.

Ever since Josh and Maya confessed their true feelings to each other the two of them have been more close to each other but also more distanced because they don't see each other a lot.

"I came to see you of course. How are you?" Josh asked.
"I'm okay," Maya said.
"Maya," Josh said as he looked at the teen.
"Yeah?" Maya said as Josh moved sitting doen next to her.
"I know this is hard on you. Knowing she will be going," Josh said as he put but hand behind Maya's head lightly stroming her hair.
"If you need to talk... I'm here," Josh said as Maya showed shallow tears.

Maya closed her eyes stopping the tears as she bit her lip before opening her eyes again.
Josh looked at Maya whose eyes were now flooded in tears as he pulled her close into him.
Feeling safe she finally allowed the tears to run down her cheeks.
Josh knew she had broken down but that she also felt safe with him.

He wanted to say something to comfort her but knew it wasn't needed.
She felt bom throwing his wrk around her body as he gave her a soft kiss on her forehead before it was completely silent.

Okay, so I know this one shot was kinda short but I'm working on making them longer.
Hope you guys liked it and if you have any ideas for a future one comment down below.

Joshaya/Urbrina One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now