Friends With Benefits

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Okay, I am literally the worst at this.
In this one shot Maya was born in May 1999 and Josh was born in March 1999.
Riley is 2 years younger born in 2001 and Auggie has the same birthday.
Hope you guys enjoy.
Requests are open if you want to comment them down below or just message me them.

Josh and Maya has known each other since forever.
When Cory and Topanga had Josh they were extremely young but also had no idea how their future would play out.
But when they heard their classmate, Kermit, was also getting a little baby they were so excited for the two of them to grow up together.
Maya and Josh were just 2 months apart in age and they enjoined everything their whole lives.

When Topanga had Riley het oldest was 2 and she was so happy to give her son a sibling.
Unfortunately things didn't work out the same for Kermit and Katy and they went apart when Maya was 5 leaving her to her mother.
When Riley was 8 Topanga had another baby boy completing their family but that made Maya just want to be apart of that family even more.
Without realizing it at age 13 she fell in love with Josh and thought she could hide it.
Little did she know she couldn't.

"Hey, Matthews," Maya said as she came through the door.
"There she is. Excited for sophomore year?" Josh asked and Maya smiled.
"Of course I am. Where is your sister?" Maya asked as the twelve year old Riley came out her room.

"How hard is sixth grade?" Riley asked and Maya smiled.
"I think you'll be fine. What do you think, Josh?" Maya asked as Josh handed her a cup of coffee.
"I think you'll do good. Don't worry. There are a lot of people supporting you and aren't you technically also going with Lucas?" Josh asked and Riley nod.

"You and I, Josh, need to get going. Before we are late," Maya said and Josh rolled his eyes.
"Okay, let's go then. See you guys later," Josh said as he and Maya were off.

"You know I find it surprising that you and my sister get along so well. You know with the two year age difference," Josh said and Maya smiled as she saw the troubled twins, Dustin and Austin.
"Oh good grieve. The twins are probably just looking for a way to get to me this year," Maya said rolling her eyes as Josh threw his arm around her shoulder.
"Don't think of it. Let's get to our lockers," Josh said as they were off.

Maya and Josh walked through to their lockers as Josh gave the young girl a smile.
It was unbelievable knowing everything changed in front of their eyes.
In a matter of seconds life flew by them and now they were 15 starting their sophomore year of high school with confused feelings.

"Listen, Maya. I know what I said over the summer..." Josh said but was cut off by Maya.
"You want to be just friends and that is totally understandable. We've known each other for a very long time and maybe I'm just confused. It's okay tho," Maya said.
"Not entirely," Josh said.
"Why?" Maya asked as Josh gently cupped Maya's face before leaning over allowing their lips to touch.

Maya didn't know what was going on nor did she want it to stop.
She threw her arms around Josh's neck as he had his hand around her waist pulling her in closer causing the kiss to go deeper and deeper.
For both of them time stood still.
Children walked past them and older children talked but they didn't hear them.
For awhile time totally stood still for them as the kiss got deeper and deeper.

Maya pulled away looking into Josh's blue eyes causing her to smile before she bit her lip.
She didn't know how it was even possible to feel the way she did feel.

"How is it even remotely possible that men can change their minds like that?" Maya asked smiling as Josh kept his hands around her waist.
"I didn't. I still think we need to wait awhile before we start to date. I'm not ready to call my best friend my girlfriend yet. But there is nothing wrong with friends with benefits," Josh said causing Maya to smile.
"No there isn't," Maya said as Josh pulled her in close for another kiss.

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