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Joshua Matthews was 20, almost turning 21 but he had no princess yet.
His parents got married around the same time as him, even younger if he remembers correctly.
When King Alan and Queen Amy were 19 they got married leaving high expectations for their children.
Their oldest son, Eric, had no desire in taking over the palace and went his ways into a strange town becoming major of it.
Their second son, Cornelius, fell in love with a girl named Topanga and got married to her also having two children with her.
Their only daughter, Morgan, didn't want anything to do with royal and then there was their youngest son, Joshua, who wanted to take over the palace when he was just 14 but his parents were quite adament with him waiting.
And now was the chance of a lifetime for the young prince as he was on his way to the success.
But one thing was missing.
His princess.

Traveling all over the world he has met girls who he felt quit friendly towards but not one with a spark.
They were either not good enough or they thought too much of themselves, they thought too little of themselves or they were just not worthy to be called princess.

"Joshua, honey. What do you want?" Amy asked where she was sitting getting a pedicure.
"A girl who isn't like the others. Mom, non of these girls have what it takes to be princess. I think I need to head to Europe instead. The small parts of Europe. Maybe Venice. Even Italy is a good place. Eventually I'll hit Spain and Portugal as well but right now Europe is my only near option. The flight will only be a few hours and then I'll be able to do a lot," Josh said.
"Good then, Son," Alan said as he put his coffee cup down.
"We'll arrange the trip," Alan said as Josh left the room.

Maya Hart was busy handing out food to the poor.
Her mother always did that around this time of year but this time she wasn't there to do it so her daughter did it.
With Maya's mother out to see family it was a miracle that her sweet girl was even doing it but this girl had a heart of gold.

"Hi, Maya. How are you today?"
"Good morning, Mrs Jones. I'm good. Where are the kids?" Maya asked handing a basket with food over to the woman in her late 40's.
"Playing around dear. Your mother can be glad that a girl like you is her daughter. You have the kindest heart I've ever seen in my life and I'm sure..."

There were crying noises and both the two girls came running out of the back of the house to their mother.

"It's Julian," the girl said as the woman and Maya fan to the back where the boy was crawled up in a bundle while they could see there was something in his foot.

"Julian, what have you done?" his mother asked as Maya took off her backpack.
"It's okay, Buddy," Maya said grabbing the first aid kit and getting twizer.
"Okay, just stay calm," Maya said.

She wiped the foot clean as she gently took out the glass before she put a bandage over the boy's foot.

"There you go. All better," Maya said as he was off.
"Thank you," the mother said while Maya out everything back where it belonged.

Maya looked as the whole village went crazy.
She looked as she saw a carriage coming into their small home.
She exhaled as she saw how some of the children also ran over trying to stop them.

"Come here, kids," Maya said keeping them apart from the carriage.
"Carol," Maya said leading the young girl back to her.

She saw as a man climbed out of the carriage well dressed.
She knew who it was.
It was Prince Joshua but she didn't know what he was doing here.

"Stand away people. Make place for the prince," a man said and Maya looked up as one of the children smiled at him.

"Clint who are these kids?" Josh asked.
"Village children. Don't go near them," Clint said.
"And the girl?" Josh asked.
"Don't know," Clinton said as Josh went near the children.

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