Always Part 4

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This is the last part of my Always one shot which went in a bit too long.
Hope you guys enjoy.
Requests are open.

It was just a few days later and now Maya wa string to figure out how she would tell Josh that it is over.
She couldn't believe that she was letting him win but she is tired of fighting for his attention constantly.
Maya sat right outside of the pool while she was trying to figure out where she did stand with the guy.
Suddenly she felt someone grabbing her and looked behind her.
She saw Jpsh and instantly the two of them jumped into the swimming pool.
Maya tried coming up and had to take a second to redeem her breathe since she didn't expect any of that.
Josh came up on his own seeing she was struggling.
"Hey, are you okay?" Josh asked and Maya nodded.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you crazy throwing someone in a pool?" Maya asked.
"You know it. Sure you're okay, tho?" Josh asked and Maya gave Josh a hug.
Maya laid her head on his shoulder as be threw his arms around her.
With Maya pulling away Josh pulled her close so their lips touched.
The kiss was passionate, something Maya has never felt or could have dreamed feeling.
She pulled away from Josh looking him into the eye.
What had just happened?

Early the next morning and now it was Friday.
Maya was so confused over what she was going to that she couldn't even sleep so she decided to go on a jog.
She quickly changed clothes before she headed out of the guest house.
"Early to be out on your own, don't you think?" Josh asked and Maya looked at him.
"You boys are messed up and twice as confusing as woman," Maya said and Josh stopped her from going forward.
"What's going on, Maya?" Josh asked.
"I'm supposed to be asking that question. What..." Maya said as she dragged Josh aside.
"Were you thinking? You say you're gonna convince me you feel nothing and then yesterday you kiss me. Or is that just how the Matthews work?" Maya asked.
"No, it's not how we work," Josh said.
"What is it then Josh? Luckily it didn't mean anything," Maya said.
"Yeah, I believe, ya," Josh said smiling.
"It meant nothing," Maya said and turned around.
"Maya," Josh said gabbing her hand pulling her in close touching lips.
As they pulled away, Maya pulled back and instantly stopped when she did notice what is going on.
She looked Josh in the eye as she exhaled.
"See! It does mean something," Josh said.
"I can't," Maya said and Josh smiled.
"But it does," Josh said softly and Maya was off.

The weekend went by and of course Maya made a point in ignoring Josh just so she can finally have some peace and quiet to think.
Maya's pov
He told me the kiss meant something.
Oh... My... Gosh.
It meant something
Oh on earth am I suppose to go on?
Maya, snap out of it.

Monday came and Maya had to make a decision about what she did think of her and Josh.
Maya was sitting in the beach when Farkle came to sit down next to her.
"You also have a Smackle driving you crazy?" Farkle asked and Maya smiled.
"Yeah, and his name is Joshua Matthews. I'm having a hard time finding a solution to this problem I have," Maya said.
"What are your options?" Farkle asked.
"I don't have a lot. Let me get going," Maya said.
"Maya. Whatever it is remember it is never as bad as you think. Maybe Josh is trying to tell you something," Farkle said and Maya smiled as she sat back down.
"And that is what? The boy drives me crazy," Maya said.
"Like Smackle drives me crazy?" Farkle asked and Maya lightly pushed him.
"Perhaps. Okay let I get my butt going. I'll see you later," Maya said and was off.

It was late the afternoon around six and everyone was just taking a walk on the beach.
Maya as per usual tried keeping her distance from Josh but as usual it didn't work as she tried.
"Maya, can we talk?" Josh asked and Maya nod as due to she didn't want any trouble.
"I know we haven't talked much since last week but we need to figure this one out," Josh said.
"I know," Maya sighed.
"I know we have to but I don't actually know what to tell you, Josh. You told me you were going to get me to forget about my feelings for you and then this happened. I don't know what to tell you now," Maya said.
"I know. But perhaps it isn't as bad as we think. I acted like a complete idiot and ai know it but I just want to figure this thing out. Your friendship is really important to me," Josh said.
"And I don't think you're gonna lose that but we just need to figure out how to make this work. Because you're actually right. We do come a long way. Can I just have a few days to think?" Maya asked and Josh nod.
"Yeah, you can."

Maya got our of the shower her hair dripping water down as she sat down on her bed.
She and Riley were of course getting ready to go to bed but Maya didn't want to go just yet.
Maya brushed her finger sthrough her hair before she took her hair brush.

"Are you and Josh okay? You guys seemed to be very deep in conversation earlier," Riley said.
"Yeah, we're fine. You could say we just talked," Maya said.
"About your feelings?" Riley asked.
"Kinda. I'm still giving him till the end of the month. Hopefully by then we'll know what is going on," Maya said.
She hated lying to Riley but if she really did know what is going on she would freak out and call her father.
And if there is one thing Maya didn't need right now was it Cory Matthews sniffing around.
She just knew she had to give everything some time so she could figure out where she really does stand with Josh.

Maya woke up the next morning convincing herself she'll make a decision today but she was very weary.
She jumped out of bed immediately getting dressed as she knew it wasn't going tk be long until Riley comes to wake her up.
She tied her hair up in a bun seconds before Riley came in.

"Ah, you're up. Five minutes then we're heading down to the beach," Riley said.
"Okay give me three," Maya said and Riley was off.
Maya grabbed her backpack looking at her promise ring Riley gave her and went out of the room.
She saw everyone else talking about the day while she didn't know what to tell anyone.
She stood aside when she saw Josh standing next to her.
"You okay?" Josh asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Maya said.
"Let's head down to the beach," Riley said.
"Okay, everyone. Gather your stuff," Josh said and they were off.
Two hours later.
Maya watched as the ocean became pretty wild and didn't actually know how that was possible.
It was supposed to be a chilled day with everyone just relaxing while they sat staring at the beach.
Josh looked over at Maya where she was kinda a bit confused on what to do next.
"Hey, Maya. Wanna go for a walk?" Josh asked and Maya looked at Riley.
"Sure," Maya said.
Maya and Josh walked awhile until they came to a point where nobody could see them.
Josh went to stand in front of Maya and she looked at him.
"Josh, what are you..."
Before Maya could finish her sentence Josh pulled her in close causing their lips to touch.
The kiss was soft and passionate.
Everything Maya could dream about but it was surely different than the last one.
Maya pulled away looking Josh in the eye before giving him a soft smile.
"We can't do this and you know it," Maya said.
"I do. Made up your mind yet?" Josh asked and Maya let out a chuckle.
"You, Joshua Matthews, are impossible to cope with. I don't want to mess up. Really so I need to figure eout what I want to do. I hope you can understand," Maya said.
"I can. And I'll give you all the time you need," Josh said and Maya smiled.

It was early the next morning and per usual was Maya busy getting ready for the day.
She and Riley agreed that they would do it together but that girl was still fast asleep so Maya had to try and figure out what was going.
After she got dressed she headed out of the room and straight to the door where she went outside.

She breathed in the air as she looked how the wafes broke.
She smiles as it wasn't just one thing that could go right.
Josh Matthews likes her and she still doesn't know what to do.
But why was she even surprised?
They knew each other for a very long time even if they don't want to admit it.
Maya sees as Smackle sits doen next to her burning to tell her something.
"What Smackle? You're clearly here with a reason. Your boyfriend told you about my depressing state?"
"Farkle says you could use with a friend. I just need to tell you if uoh want advice, I'm here," Smackle said and Maya gave her a hug.
"I think I know what I have to do. Thanks, Smackle," Maya said and saw Josh was walking on the beach.
She smiled as she went down herself.
He saw her coming and walked towards her.
He smiled as he took her hand in his.
"I don't want to put you in an uncomfortable position," Josh said and Maya smiled.
"I know. I know you don't want that. I just spoke to Isadora and you know what I realized? For the first time during this vacation I've spend more time thinking about my own feelings than anything else. Josh I want to be able to not just think of other people but also about myself. And that has always been a problem. The two of us, whatever has been going on between us, has opened my eyes making me realize that something like this had to happen for me to truly find myself," Maya said.
"What do you want?" Josh asked.
"I like you, Josh. I've liked you for so long now that it doesn't feel so weird anymore," Maya said.
"I like you too. Boyfriend and girlfriend?" Josh asked and Maya smile.
"Yeah. I'll be your girlfriend," Maya said smiling as Josh gave her a kiss, taking her in his arms.

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