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Part 2 of Will You...

Josh exhaled as he climbed into his car after his day at work. He shook his head looking at the school not even believing he's been with them for so long. He smiled looking at the picture hanging from the mirror of him and Maya not even believing they have been married for nearly 10 years. When Josh proposed to Maya at his college graduation their lives felt like it couldn't get better. They had gotten married during that summer before Josh started to work. He smiled as he parked the car into the drive way of their home as he got out of the car going inside seeing that Maya was busy cooking.

"Hello, Wifey. Still doesn't get old," Josh said kissing Maya as she smiled.

"Hello, Love. Good day at work?" Maya asked as Josh got put two glasses pouring them some juice pulling out a chair as Maya sat down as he continued cooking.

Josh and Maya have always been the happily married couple ever since they had gotten married. Whenever people would meet them, they thought that the couple was newlyweds because they couldn't believe how things were. Afternoons when Josh got home from work he would always help Maya out in the kitchen with the food or even do the house chores while she would work on one of her drawings for work.

Kids were something both of them had really wanted when they were just 3 years married but it wasn't the right time for kids and both knew it. So staying away from that topic the two of them got all of their things together while they built their live. Finding out Maya's biological father owned a land outside of Upstate New York, she inherited it after his death just two years after their wedding. Maya and Josh had then decided to built a house on that land and with that, it kept him busy. Building the house Josh had even then learned something new about his wife. Now their house was standing while it seemed like neither of them were thinking of children just yet.

"Josh," Maya said as her husband looked at her.

"You look worried, Love," Josh said.

"What would you say if I were to tell you something we discussed 7 years ago will be coming true?" Maya asked as Josh looked at her knowing what she meant.

"You're not. There's no... You're pregnant," Josh said as Maya smiled nodding her head.

"I am," Maya said as Josh took her into his arms smiling.

"That's amazing, Maya. I'm so happy. You will be an amazing mother," Josh said.

"And you're going to be the best father these kids could wish for," Maya said as Josh looked at her.

"It's twins," Maya said as Josh smiled.

"Either way. Single or twins. Boy or girl. I'm happy to have a little child who will remind me of you every day," Josh said as he gave Maya a kiss.

As the pregnancy went forward Maya and Josh were getting more and more excited about their children knowing they would be extremely blessed to have one of each if that was the way things would eventually go. Preparing their house and the rooms for the babies, they decided on going for gender neutral themes since deciding on keeping their genders a secret until birth. Maya stood into the ocean themed nursery as she packed away the blue and white Onesie as she slowly felt a cramp.


Both of them knew that their birth would be different and much more difficult than what usual people would go through. All the way to the hospital all Maya could think about was how their lives were to change once the babies were born but neither had thought what would happen after the twins were born.

Maya smiled at the little bundle of love in her arms as she saw how Josh was swaddling the other one seeing how Riley and Lucas came through the door with their kids.

"Riley, hey. You guys made it," Maya said as she looked at her goddaughter.

"Come here, Penny," Maya said as the girl of 5 came towards Maya.

Riley lifted her daughter onto the bed as Maya showed the little baby wrapped in the blue blanket.

"Say hello to Landon Gabriel, Honey," Maya said as Riley smiled looking at the baby boy.

"Hello, Landon. Oh, he's so cute," Riley said looking at Lucas.

"Landon, say hello to Riley and Penelope. Say hello," Maya said as Josh smiled while looking at his daughter.

"And who is this sweetheart?" Lucas asked.

"Madison Katy. Say hello to Uncle Lucas and your cousin, Joseph and Matthew," Josh said as the 7 and 3 year old boys looked at the baby wrapped in the pink blanket.

"Where's Ella?" Maya asked realizing that the one year old wasn't there.

"With Farkle. Thought it would be easier if she wasn't here. They are perfect, Maya," Riley said as Maya smiled.

"Of course they are," Maya said.

As the years went by and Maya got used to being a mom of two in such a short period of time it came to her that she and Josh were ready for maybe another little miracle. When Landon and Madison turned 4 years old Maya welcomed Brandon Cory and Addison Riley into their family making the family completed.

"Three, two, one open your eyes," Maya said as Madison and Addison opened their eyes revealing the brand new room.

As hoped their children were very close and wasn't it a huge problem putting the girls and the boys together into a room. Landon and Madison were now in high school while Brandon and Addison were still finding their way through school. She saw as the 12 year old Addison went to the top of the bed while Madison looked at her mother smiling as she heard how her brothers were having fun. She walked towards their room seeing as Landon was head under his pillow while Brandon was playing a video game clearly having too much fun.

"Okay, Kids. Go outside and play. Brandon, enough gaming," Maya said as her children ran outside while Josh came inside.

"Hey, Handsome," Maya said kissing him as he threw his arms around her.

"Worth all the heartache you had to go through when you were their age?" Josh asked as Maya nodded.

"Our family is complete," Maya said handing her husband some coffee while they saw as their children were playing outside.

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