Secrets And Regrets

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Requested by lilssssstt
Last one shot so comment if you want to see a gmw one and what are your favorite ships,

Maya was standing in the Matthews apartment while she was slowly going through everything that could go wrong. She was about to turn 16 and she knew there was a lot that she had to tell Josh before that big party would necessarily happen. Maya shook her head as she saw Josh entering the apartment knowing now was the right time.

"Hey, Boing," Maya said smiling as Josh smirked at her.

"Hey, Gorgeous. Is Cory here?" Josh asked as Maya shook her head.

"Wow I can just imagine what your father would say about you being here. On the other hand it doesn't even look like he's ever cared since you're permanently here," Josh said as Maya looked at him.

"That's not at all the right thing to assume," Maya said as she completely forgot about what she wanted to say.

"It's true! You're always here so he doesn't really give a crap over what you're doing or who you're with. Don't know if it would even matter to you. You've always done your own thing and if it would even..."

"You have no idea what's going on in my life! Nor do you have any right to judge me or my father!" Maya said as Cory came through the door.

"What the hell is going on in here? I can hear you from the hall," Cory said as Maya grabbed her coat.

"Maya, wait. I was just joking around," Josh said.

"Find something else to joke around with then," Maya said as she left.

"Wow some people are offensive when you talk about their father," Josh said as Cory looked at him.

"Josh," Cory said as he put his hand on his brother's shoulder.

"Maya's father left a very long time ago," Cory said as Josh looked at his older brother.

"Crap," Josh said as he went out of the apartment.

Seeing as Maya went our of the doors he rushed behind her as he stopped her slightly touching her arm as she turned around.

"What? Want to make another joke about me and my father?" Maya asked.

"I'm so sorry, Maya. I had no idea your father wasn't in your life anymore," Josh said as Maya exhaled.

"It's not about that! It's about you even thinking that if my father was involved I wouldn't listen. Because if he had cared and would be in my life, I would care about what he thought and I would do as he says. Clearly you just weren't thinking. Or maybe I don't know you at all," Maya said as Josh looked as she walked away.

It's been a few days since Josh and Maya's fight which nearly drove the young girl to tears but neither has said a word to the other. Maya's mother and of course the Matthews were now more worried than ever about what was going on with the young girl since every time Josh's name was mentioned she would snap at them. But Josh also knew he would have to do something big to finally let Maya see how serious he was.

"What the hell are you doing?" Trevor asked as Josh looked at his roommate.

"Schnoop-aloop, now is really not the time for jokes," Josh said as Trevor looked at him.

"Dude, I haven't said that in months. Besides, that wasn't a joke. What's up?" Trevor asked plopping down on Josh's bed while he continued with his work on the ground.

"I messed up and now I need to fix it. Majorly messed up and I'll need a lot to fix it. And now I'm done. I have to go. Don't destroy the place," Josh said as he grabbed the posters he was busy with going outside of his college dorm.

Maya exhaled as she saw how the sun was setting and she played soft music in her room while she was busy painting. She put the music down picking up her brush as she heard noises outside her apartment. She put the brush down as she looked out of the window seeing Josh. He showed her to stay where she was as he picked up the posters on the ground.

 He showed her to stay where she was as he picked up the posters on the ground

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Maya exhaled feeling like an idiot because of how she totally overreacted and that Josh was so going through so much effort with the posters as she gasped at the next one

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Maya exhaled feeling like an idiot because of how she totally overreacted and that Josh was so going through so much effort with the posters as she gasped at the next one.

Maya exhaled feeling like an idiot because of how she totally overreacted and that Josh was so going through so much effort with the posters as she gasped at the next one

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Maya nodded as she saw how Josh dropped that one and how the poster behind meant so much more than she could ever imagine.

Maya grabbed her coat going out of the apartment as she saw Josh still standing in the garden smiling at him as she went towards the young guy

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Maya grabbed her coat going out of the apartment as she saw Josh still standing in the garden smiling at him as she went towards the young guy.

"I know this doesn't make up for my idiotic mistakes nor for how I..."

Not allowing Josh to finish his sentence Maya crashed their lips together as Josh threw his arms around her body, slightly lifting her up, and spinning around with them as Maya pulled away.

"I love you too," Maya said as Josh kissed Maya yet again.

Joshaya/Urbrina One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now