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On 30 May 2018 life changed for Topanga Matthews.
On the way home her husband, daughter and one of her daughter's friends got into a car accident.
Rushing with her 9 year old son through the hospital in New York she heard the horrid news.

We're so sorry, Ma'am. Your husband and daughter didn't make it.

As the words went through Topanga's system she saw as a hospital bed was being pulled down to theater.
Seeing the 17 year old girl she tried to get her son away from all of the terrifying events happening.
Going through it all she knew one thing was going to be difficult.
Telling Riley's best friend she wouldn't be there anymore.

Walking into the hospital room hours later Topanga saw as the girl was on pipes and drips breathing shallow as she didn't know if the young girl would pull through.
Broken arm, fractured leg and an concussion were the injuries Maya had suffered from making it much worse than anyone would ever imagine.

As the young girl recovered Topanga couldn't think how it would be when everything finally did sink in and Maya would be able to process what happened.
But she went on with not just helping around with Auggie but also with many things around the apartment.
On 6 March 2019 Topanga gave birth to her son, Jason Cory Matthews, raising the little boy on her own as she tried to go on with life.

Maya on the other hand had it worse while she was recovering from a huge accident she also had to process the news about Riley and her history teacher who was her father figure in her life as she didn't know how to go forward.
With her own mother gone most of the time she moved in with the Matthews as she tried to help them as best as she could while it also didn't seem like Auggie was adjusting well.
Graduating high school like she had planned she took over the bakery from Topanga while she went forward with her own studies as a business major while she tried to do her best to not disappoint the woman who gave her the strength to go on.
But now she also had to start her own life away from her best friends who had moved away from the sadness.

Maya Hart exhales as she walks through the little cafe that she once spend so many hours in.
Smiling as she saw how Topanga was behind the counter with Jason and Auggie she shook her head going towards the family.

"Hey, Maya," Auggie said where he sat with his girlfriend, Ava, as Maya smiled.

"Hi, Auggs. Hello, Jason. How are you, Bud?" Maya asked as she picked up the 5 year old boy.

"I'm good."

"Must be hard. It's his last year of sitting at home. Next year he is starting school," Maya said.

"It was harder with Riley not being here. You're doing an amazing thing, Maya. Taking over the bakery from me and going after what you think is right. Going after teaching. Cory would have been proud of you. He is. I know he is. When are you starting?" Topanga asked.

"At Penelope Adams? I'm September. It's kinda nerve wrecking to say the least. I know it's basically just kindergarten but it's still hard. My mom wasn't very happy with me wanting to be a teacher and now I am one," Maya said as she put Jason down to go and run around.

"Yeah I guess. Well let's officially do this. I am going to actually give over the keys. Okay," Topanga said handing Maya a set of keys.

"It's yours now. And I know you'll take care of it just as well as me and Cory did," Topanga said as she saw how her brother-in-law stepped into the bakery.

"Josh, what are you doing here?" Topanga asked as Maya turned around seeing the young man.

He certainly has grown a lot since the last time she saw him.
She was 17 and he was 20.
Right before the accident many years ago.
Smiling she slightly waved her hand as she went behind the counter.

"Visiting. Looks like you are just as awkward with me as always," Josh said as Maya looked at him.

"More uncomfortable. We haven't seen each other in quite awhile. How's it going, Josh?" Maya asked.

"Good. I got my degree in Law. I'm starting soon at Topanga's work. Hopefully it will go good. What is Maya doing behind the counter?" Josh asked.

"New owner. I'm not getting to it and with the boys everything is too complicated. Besides, the family thinks that the cafe is just a nuisance and that I should just sell it. But I don't want to sell it to someone strange so Maya is taking it over. But she's trustworthy," Topanga said as Josh looked at her.

"Of course Maya is trustworthy. I know that. But what about her work?" Josh asked.

"I'm only teaching until 1pm then I have the day free. I'm a teacher," Maya said.

"And what are you teaching? You hated school," Josh said as Maya smiled.

"Maya is actually starting at kindergarten. She's starting at a very fancy and high school and after she's done about eight months she can go to Elementary school. Maybe she'll even teach JC some English," Topanga said as Maya smiled.

"Told you it won't happen soon. I'm staying where I am for a few years," Maya said.

"High and fancy?" Josh asked.

"Penelope Adams. It's not that fancy," Maya said.

"Come on, boys. Let's go," Topanga said as she and the boys were off leaving Maya and Josh alone.

"Why did my family want Topanga to sell?" Josh asked as Maya exhaled filling up some coffee cups.

"Because she and Cory bought it together and your parents don't like having anything to do with his business assets. They even hated it when Topanga helped the school to find a teacher to replace him. That place was never the same after he left. Almost empty. Both him and Riley. Can I get you some coffee?" Maya asked.

"I'll love some. How are you? I heard you also got injured pretty badly," Josh said as Maya looked at him.

"Quite behind, hey? Yeah I was. I broke my arm and fractured my leg along with some concussion injuries. But I made it through with everything. With effort but I made it. How are you?" Maya asked filling a cup with coffee.

"I didn't want to stay away," Josh said as Maya looked at him.

Seeing as the bakery was now getting quiet Maya sat down next to Josh unsure what to tell the young man as she hadn't seen him in nearly 5 years since that horrible accident changing everyone's lives.

"It just happened, you know? The accident took place and somehow I was so busy with my parents and..."

"Josh it didn't just happen. What just happened was the accident but it was your decision to stay away from me. Somehow that's okay and I can live with that. Why do you feel like you need to explain?" Maya asked.

"Because I have to. What I did wasn't okay. And I hate that I decided to stay away from you. I didn't want to. I heard about these injuries and I just wanted to climb into my car and drive to the hospital to see you. I don't know why I didn't," Josh said as Maya smiled placing her hand on his.

"You were going through hell and so did I. Maybe it was what had to happen," Maya said as Josh shook his head.

Taking her hand in his Josh looked into her eyes seeing the same lost he once saw in them when he had met her years ago.
Knowing this time it wasn't because of her father not being there but because of the lose she had experienced with Riley and Cory being gone.

"It didn't have to happen. And there is nothing I regret more than staying away," Josh said.

"I'm glad you're here," Maya said as Josh leaned closer placing a soft kiss on Maya's lips.

"So am I. I love you," Josh said.

"I love you too."

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