Always Part 3

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Riley's alarm goes off and Maya suddenly jumps up.
She wasn't expecting that since she thought Riley wouldn't be able to sleep in the meantime it was Maya who wasn't able to fall asleep.
She layd staring at the ceiling for pretty much the entire night.
Half past four reads Maya's phone and she gets up.
She quickly heads to the shower to get dressed and then comes back inside the room.
Riley was already up and going and seeing that it wasn't entirely that late the girls took it slow.
Maya brushed out her hair which she made in a braid before she heard the door opening.
"Ah good. You're up. Riley your dad wants to leave early so could you guys please hurry," Josh said.
"Yeah sure. Give us ten minutes," Riley said and Josh was off.
"Just take a breathe," Riley said and went in front.
Maya sigh as she grabbed her backpack and headed out to the living room where she was pretty sure most people would be.
She was definitely unsure what to do with Josh but she didn't have much of a choice since she was probably just going to get a few things done with early on.
"Glad you aren't making a fuss," Cory said and Maya looked at him.
"Do I have a choice?" Maya sarcastically said and rolled her eyes.
"Cory, leave sthe girl alone," Josh said trying to make the situation better than it is.
Maya briefly looked at Josh causing her to smile at the comment he just made.
But she could also see that it wasn't as easy as she thought it was going to be.
"Okay, so you guys ready for a thirteen hour flight?" Riley asked and Maya looked at her.
"Thirteen hours? Gosh aren't I gonna have a great time," Maya said.
"Makes two of us, Gorgeous," Josh said and Maya smiled at the nickname Josh gave her awhile ago.
"Let's rather get going," Maya said.
"Yeah, good plan," Cory said and they were gone.
Everyone was on the airport and as usual Maya was very nervous because she didn't know what was going to happen much.
She knew that Josh wasn't for their relationship but he wasn't against it either.
She was very much nervous about everything and didn't have any idea how she was going to survive it.
Ten o'clock and the plane was starting to go up in the air.
With a plane full of people Maha couldn't believe that so many people fly thirteen hours just for a place.
The plane was so that Riley sat next to Lucas, Smarkle sat next to Zay and Maya of course sat right next to Maya.
"I'm sorry, okay? About the other day. I know I must have upset you," Josh said and Maya sighed.
"Yeah. Yeah you did," Maya said as she quickly moved her head seeing Rucas calmly talking.
"Why didn't you just think before you spoke?" Maya asked.
"Are you telling me you didn't get confused about..."
"Good grief, Josh. No. Of course I didn't get confused," Maya said.
"Then I'll make you forget about those feelings today," Josh said.
"I give you one month to prove me wrong about what I feel. If I still feel like I do now on July, 31st, then you win and I'll leave you alone," Maya said.
"A month? Yeah, I can do that. Deal," Josh said and Maya closed her eyes.

Seven o'clock Hawaii time and the gang finally did arrive at the guest house where they will be staying the holiday.
Maya and Riley was getting settled into their room while nobody actually had an idea what Maya was thinking.
After she and Josh spoke she hasn't actually been saying much to anyone not even her bets friend but Riley knew that was a sign that Maya was thinking about something huge.
"What did you and Josh talk about?" Riley asked.
"I give him till the end of July to change my mind about my feelings," Maya said.
"Peaches, don't. Don't punish yourself if you don't have to. Just let go of your feelings," Riley said.
"If he tries at all to change my mind I'll know for sure he feels nothing. But if he does nothing..."
"Okay. Well let's go. We are heading out for dinner," Riley said.
"I'm not actually hungry. You guys go. I'll be fine," Maya said and Riley left the room.
"She doesn't want to come. Says she's not hungry," Riley said and Josh went inside the room.
"Trying to be difficult or what? My brother will kill me if he knows you're not eating," Josh said.
"I ate in the plane," Maya said.
"Maya, that was long ago. Come," Josh said.
"Josh, I'm fine. I'm anyway very tired," Maya said.
"After a five hour nap on the plane? Yeah, right. Just come please," Josh said and Maya grabbed her handbag.
"Ah, was my uncle able to convince you?" Riley asked.
Maya was busy putting her handbag over her shoulder when Riley made that comment and just walked past her.
Josh gave his niece a look as everyone walked out of the guest house.
Everyone was chatty while Josh didn't actually know what to do with himself.
All of the kids together was giving him the greeps.
Maya saw that he was on his own and very uncomfortable walking towards him.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Maya asked.
"Nothing. Nothing is wrong. You seeing forward to the vacation? Probably the forts in awhile for you," Josh said.
"More like ever. But yeah, I am. It's something different than New York and for that I'll never say no," Maya said.
As the night went on Maya and Josh finally did get a bit more comfortable with each other an dit was like the old days before Maya's feelings came.
She could just talk to Josh about this and ghat like when she was seven but it wouldn't even have mattered if she was the her she was.
She realizes that she was totally out of control but how to fix it she didn't know.

Maya woke up the next morning confused about where she was remembering that it was Kona.
She sighed as she grabbed her phone seeing it's twelve but knowing it wasn't.
She quickly set her phone tk the Hawaii time revealing that it was half past seven.
She got dressed and headed out to the ocean.
The waves breaking did have a way of calming herself down even if it did probably wake her up.
She exhaled the fresh sea water air as Josh sat down next to her.
"Morning, Squirt," Josh said as Maya shake her head.
"Morning," Maya said fiddling with her finger nael.
"So, how come you're up so early?" Josh asked.
"It's half past seven. Thought everyone would be awake by now. Guess it is early for someone on vacation," Maya said laughing.
"Yeah, it is. But, hey. You have always been weird," Josh said and Maya sighed.
"Are you doing to do this the entire time? Insult me and try to let me forget about my feelings for you by breaking me down," Maya said and Josh looked at her.
"If you are, well done, Josh. You officially took my father's place on the list," Maya said and stood up.
"What list?" Josh asked.
"The 'men to keep out of my life' list. Be warned my father was the only one on there so watch out. If you're going to be like this I don't even know why we would even be friends," Maya said and went down to the beach.
Josh looked at the young girl which was clearly confused about why Josh would suddenly become like he was just so she could leave him alone.
She tried to remain calm as she didn't want to think about what she had just said.
She obviously didn't mean it but she was so angry at what he was doing she didn't want to talk to him.
Why after all these years does he have a problem?
But all of her questions were left unanswered along with her uncertainty.
"Has he proved you wrong yet?" Riley asked.
It was now way later during the day and per usual was Maya and Riley discussing Josh which Maya had enough of by now.
Maya shakes he read as she gives her a smile.
"But if he does, I know where he'll be," Maya said.
"Where?" Riley asked.
"On the men to keep out of my life list. He was horrible this morning. I don't want him to change to prove me wrong," Maya said.
"He's a Matthew, Maya. He is going to. Just give him time to destroy your friendship," Riley said.
"Riley, mind if I talk to Maya?" Josh asked and Maya sighed.
"Of course, Uncle Josh. Good luck," Riley whispered as she walked past Maya allowing her uncle past.
"Okay, so I put thought in what you told me this morning and yes. Maybe I was a bit too much. I'm sorry," Josh said and Maya looked at him instantly standing up.
"Maya, wait," Josh said causing Maya to turn around.
"I don't want this to ruin our friendship. Can we please just go back to being friends?" Josh asked and Maya walked away.

Maya was actually getting used to the difference in not just time zones but also the weather which was extremely hot.
Much more than New York.
Maya was sitting outside on the porch of the guest house while she tried to get a hold of her parents.
"Baby Girl."
"Mom, Uncle Shawn hi. How are you guys?" Maya asked.
"We're good. How about you? Josh treating you okay?" Shawn asked.
"Uncle Shawn, you know you don't have to be worried about that. Josh is treating me very good. I'm really glad I actually did come here. It is absolutely beautiful but steaming hot. It's almost ninety today," Maya said.
"Nice. Enjoy it, Sweetheart," Katy said.
"I will. I have to get going. We are heading out for breakfast so I have to go see where everyone is. See you guys later. Love you," Maya said.
"Love you too. Bye."
Maya exhaled as she tried to find out how she was going to get everything done with.
She looked over at the beach to where Josh was talking to a girl near his own age and sighed.
She knows he won't ever change his mind about her but maybe she can make it change.
She doesn't know and doubt if she'll ever know but she has to stand up for herself before she actually does get walked over.
"He's just catching up with a old.."
"A old what? A hot, old friend? Girlfriend? It doesn't matter, Riley. I'll ge over it. I'm just getting dressed then we can go," Maya said and was gone.
"Uncle Josh please stop. You are driving me crazy," Riley said.
"Thanks Mabel. Figured our dear friend, Maya, would see it," Josh said and Riley left.
"You know, you're the only guy on the universe which I know who only talks to a girl to get another off your back," Riley said and Maya suddenly came out.
Maya's outfit
"What?" Maya asked making Josh look at her.
"What, Josh? Is there something..."
"No. No... Um... You look nice, Maya," Josh said passing by Maya.
"I'll take that any day of the week. Let's go," Maya said.

Maya's Beach outfit
"Come on, Maya. Did you see his face when he did see you? He was starstruck," Riley said and Maya shook her head.
For the past ten minutes she has been listening to how Riley goes on about her dear uncle being in love with her just because he said she looked nice.
Maya exhales as she looks over to all four of the guys running around in the waves.
"Keep your eyes off my boyfriend," Smackle said and Maya smiled.
"That includes mine and Zay is taken so that means..."
"Nothing. It means nothing. Would you guys please stop? I'm sure Josh meant nothing with the compliment. He said that to me when I was ten as well and I was wearing shorts and a T-shirt then. He is just trying to be nice that is all. Nothing more," Maya said.
"What if he maybe is acting nice for another reason?" Smackle asked and Maya looked at her.
"He seems liks a guy who doesn't hand out compliments," Smackle said.
"He is actually the opposite. Josh is a nice guy and he'll say nice things. Doesn't mean anything," Maya said.
"Yeah, it does," Riley said.
"Riley, Josh Matthews feels nothing for me. Maybe I just realized that too late," Maya said.

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