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Maya was sitting in Topanga's ready to open their memory box or as Riley likes to call it their time capsule from when they were teenagers.
Maya is now definitely no teen and anyone who would want to say that has to be blind.
Maya looks at the door as Riley and Lucas comes through with the capsule.

"Okay, guys. Let's see what we've got," Riley said as she opened the box.
"Pluto," Riley said taking out a red ball.
"Still she believes in the world. Okay, let's see what I put in and I think I remember what as well," Lucas said.
"Transfer slip. I don't regret it," Lucas said as Farkle took out his turtleneck.
"I'm no loser anymore. Especially with my girls," Farkle said and Maya smiled as she took out the picture she put in fifteen years ago.

"You and Josh. How did that work out for ya?" Riley asked as Josh walked d through the door.
"Hey. No offense but these kids are nuts," Josh said.
"Gabriel, come sit here with Mommy," Maya said as the four year old boy sits down next to his mother.
"Who's that?" Maya asked pointing at the picture.
"Mama and Dadda," Gabriel said as Maya showed Josh the photo.
"Gosh, that was a lifetime ago," Josh said.
"Yeah," Maya said.
"What is it, Mommy?" a girl of two years old asked as she went to sit down next to Maya.
"This is me and your father nearly twenty years ago, Penelope. Long ago," Maya said as she geared cooing noises from her husband's arms.
"I think that's baby talk for let's go home. These two are probably hungry and Megan needs a nap," Josh said.
"Okay, let's go kids," Maya said as she picked Penelope up allowing Gabriel to take her hand.

She walked to the exit and looked over at her three friends happily sitting there.
She smiles at them as she walked out of the bakery.
Instantly she walked into Smackle.

"Hey. How's it going?" Maya asked.
"Well, I have two five year old girls and a three year old boy. Good. I gotta get going. See ya, Maya," Smackle said as she went inside the bakery.

Maya smiles as she opens the car door putting Penelope into her car seat while Josh did the same with Megan.
She looked over as she saw the seven year old Lucy and six year old Ella with their grandparents smiling.
She helped Gabriel on his seat in the car putting his seat belt on and looked at Josh.

"We have a good life. With the kids. I wouldn't have it any other way," Josh said as he gave Maya a kiss.
"Let's go home," Maya said.

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