Our Lives Part 2

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PrincessMuffin21 requested a part 2 of Love so here it is.
Requests are open.

Maya smiled as she looked at the house in front of her. It was happening. All her dreams were finally coming true. She and Josh got married right after Maya had graduated from design school back when she was 22 causing both of them to hit the roof. They got married weeks after graduation causing everyone to think it was insane arranging a wedding so quickly. One year after their sudden wedding Maya had gotten pregnant and on 26 October 2025 their son, Jonah Gabriel Matthews, was born. Healthy and happy both Maya and Josh went on with their lives as first time parents while Josh became more and more involved in the social care around their neighborhood. Becoming more and more involved in social care, Josh had also come up with a helpline for mothers and children struggling with abuse as Maya continued designing clothes for the local schools and design shops.

"Jonah, honey. Be careful," Maya said as she saw her two old running around the structure of the house.

Maya and Josh had finally agreed to build a house when they found out about Maya's second pregnancy. While the house still wasn't 100% completed Maya went into labor 3 weeks early on 30 November 2027 having a difficult birth but their sweet little daughter, Scarlett Zarah Matthews, was born. Scarlett was now just over 4 months old but Maya still hasn't gone back to work and for now she thinks she'll just be a mom a bit longer.

"Jonah, sit down with Mommy and Scar while the men work. He's a job and a half, hey love?" Josh said as Maya smiled seeing how her husband sat down next to her.

"Remind you of someone?" Maya asked smiling as she gave Jonah his sippy cup.

"Yeah you. I can't believe all our dreams are finally coming true," Josh said as Maya smiled.

"I was 22 when I got married, 24 when my first child was born and my daughter was born when I was 26. I'll say considering how my life was 14 years ago it's going good now. I still remember when you asked me to marry you," Maya said remembering the day.

Flashback starts.

The sunny June afternoon was one of the many that Maya knew she would remember. She was 22 graduating design school while Josh was already busy helping every child he could. Maya still hadn't heard a word from her mother since her sudden disappearing act when she was 15 and she doubt she ever would hear back from her. But that didn't matter all of a sudden. She had Josh, and she had the Matthews and her friends making it more than enough for now. Maya had, for now, made everyone believe that her mother was dead even pretending to attend her funeral while she just tried to move forward.

Josh smiled as he saw his girlfriend of the part 7 years sitting in front of her computer while he sat down next to her closing the screen as he kissed her.

"Graduation is tomorrow. I can't believe I'm officially going to be a designer," Maya said.

"Maybe we can make you something else as well," Josh said as Maya looked at him.

"Like what?" Maya asked.

"Like Mrs Matthews," Josh said taking out the ring from his pocket.

"Josh," Maya said gasping.

"Become my wife, Maya. Marry me," Josh said.

"Of course."

Flashback ends.

"Yeah. I remember it like yesterday. I won't ever forget how much this means to both of us. And I won't ever forget that this is how our family got started," Josh said kissing Maya as she couldn't have wished for more.

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