Girl Like You

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Maya stepped out of the Taxi that stopped in front of the old café, Topanga's.
She smiles seeing it all as she knew it was now or never.
She grabs her backpack out of the trunk.
She exhaled as she quickly gives the driver some money before he rides off.

She smiles seeing movement in the café knowing her friends are probably there.
She entered it seeing Riley in tears while Josh was sitting across her.

"I'm so sorry, Riley. I know how much this actually means to you," Josh said and Maya carefully looked at the two of them.
"It's okay Josh. Gosh, I could really need my best friend right now," Riley said.
"And you will," Maya said and both Riley and Josh looked behind them.
"Peaches," Riley said running into Maya's arms.

Maya tightly put her arms around Riley as she tried to console her.
She looked over Riley's shoulder seeing Josh totally unaware of how to act.

"What's wrong, Riles?" Maya asked pulling her away from her best friend.
"It's Lucas," Riley said and Maya looked at her best friend.
"What happened to him? Is he okay?" Maya asked concerned but still calm to prevent her best friend from freaking out but couldn't get a lot out of her.

"He's stuck in Afghanistan with the military. Luc is supposed to turn four next week but he can't come home," Josh said and Maya looked at the man in front of her.
"Hi, Maya," Josh said.
"Hey," Maya said immediately going into his arms.

Feeling the warmth of his arms around her body was something she could never even imagine feeling in a thousand years.
It felt like she was at home.
For the first time in a long time she was at home and she was glad about that.

"Welcome home," Josh said and Maya nod.
"Thanks. Where is my God-son?" Maya asked and Riley smiled.
"Not here. He is at kindergarten. But I think that dear Lia will be glad to see her aunt Maya. She started first grade and is enjoying it so much," Riley said looking at the clock.
"I need to go. See you guys later," Riley said

Maya exhaled as her best friend left the café and she was left alone with the guy in his early 30's.

"How have you been?" Josh asked and Maya smiled.
"Don't make small talk. I can see that you are uncomfortable," Maya said grabbing her backpack again.
"I gotta go."
"I'm really glad you are back. There is really just one girl like you," Josh said and Maya looked at him smiling.
"See you around, Boing," Maya said going out of the café.

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