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It was a sunny June afternoon at the Matthews house in New York City.
Maya Hart and Riley Matthews were sitting in the kitchen while Auggie and Ava were playing in the living room.
Maya smiled as she looked towards the two seven year olds who were quite good.
Auggie was a lot like his father while Ava reminded Maya about herself when she was her age.
Since the young girl lost her father she has been paying more attention to how the young girl acts.
She won't say she never does get tired of being there for her.
Maya then turns her head back to Riley where the fourteen year old is busy texting on her phone.
Probable her boyfriend, yet again.

The two girls just finished freshman year of high school and Maya was just relaxing.
Her mother got married to a long love of her a year ago and is currently on honeymoon since they couldn't get a chance to do it last year so Maya is pretty much staying with the Matthews for a bit until they return.
Maya looks at the time on her watch and then she puts her phone in her back pocket.
She then stands up and sits down next to the two kids.

She looks at the video game which they are busy with and smiles.
She looks over at Ava and nods as the girl looks at her.
Maya stands up as she hears the door opening and faces him.

She had no idea what he was doing here neither why he would actually come to his brother's place.
Maya gave him a smile as he closed the door.
Riley looks up from where she was busy with her phone and rans to him.

"Hey Uncle Josh," Riley said.
"Hey Riley," Josh said as he gave his niece a hug.

Maya smiles as she goes to the kitchen and pours a cup of coffee.
She watches Josh as he sits down next to Auggie and the seven year old realizes his uncle is there.
He was wonderful with kids and even with Ava he was great.
Maya smiles as she walks over to Josh and hands him the cup.

"Thanks," Josh said and took the cup before Maya sits down next to Ava.
"Listen Ava. Why don't you get your backpack? Your mom will be here any moment," Maya said and the girl stood up.
"What you doing here Uncle Josh?" Auggie asked.
"Well I'm suppose to meet your father. Do you have any idea where my brother is?" Josh asked looking at Maya as she shakes her head.
"No. I think he is still at school. He said he wanted to sort a few things out," Maya said before there was a knock on the door and she goes to answer it.

"Mrs Morgenstern come in," Maya said.
"Thanks Maya. Is my daughter ready?" Judy asked.
"Let me go see," Maya said as she disappeared to go find Ava.

She was gone for a minute and then she came back with the seven year old and Judy took her home.
Maya closed the door as she started to tidy up the apartment a little bit.
Josh was surprised to see that she knew where to put everything but not actually.
The girl practically lived with his brother.
Maya's phone rang and she saw that is was Cory.

"Hey everything okay?" Maya asked.
"No. Stupid me forgot my brother is coming today," Cory said.
"He is currently here. He did ask where you were. Going to be long?" Maya asked.
"I have a meeting about the fight this afternoon. Will you and Josh cope with the others?" Cory asked.
"Yeah. We'll be fine," Maya said.
"Okay thank you Maya. I'll probably be home by eight," Cory said.
"Okay bye," Maya said as she put the phone down.

"Your father is going to be late. He has a meeting about the fight earlier today between Lucas and Drake," Maya said.
"Don't tell me this is Lucas Friar," Josh said.
"Yeah it is. Riley would you mind quickly helping me with dinner? Your mother can't do everything," Maya said.
"Yeah sure," Riley said.

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