Will You...

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Josh smiled as he heard his name being called going up on stage. One of the many things he's looked forward to since moving to New York was his college graduation. And now it was there. He was done with college and now he couldn't even think of his life forward as a English teacher. He got his diploma as he looked into the crowd of people seeing his girlfriend jumping up and down, clapping her hands. Asking Maya to officially fats after her 16th birthday was the best thing he could have ever done and now, three years later both of them were as good as they could be. Being able to call her his girlfriend was something he was so grateful for yet it was just a feeling. But it was the best feeling he's ever felt.

He walked off the stage, going to Maya immediately taking her into his arms as both smiled. Their love journey also wasn't as easy as they thought it would be. Almost everyone that got involved in Josh's life didn't think their love would ever last and it would quickly disappear as they reached a different age in their lives. But the older Josh did get, the more he got to know and love all of Maya's insecurities and problems. Facing all of those problems together it came forward that their love would last forever.

"You're done with college. How does it feel?" Maya asked as she pulled away placing her hand on Josh's chest as he put his arms around her waist.

"With you by my side? Amazing," Josh said kissing Maya.

"Okay then. What else? I can't be the only person making it worth your while. You can officially teach which is exciting," Maya said as Josh smiled.

"All I need is you and my life is completed," Josh said.

As his family and friends gathered around him Maya once again realized how lucky she was to have someone like Josh in her life. When her mother and Shawn got divorced when she was 17 it became clear that she needed someone by her side to go through life with. And she wasn't sure if her friends would be enough to carry her through the rough times. At the time, Maya and Josh had celebrated their one year anniversary and was he one of the biggest reasons that she did get through it all.

The huge family dinner at the Matthews was always something that Maya had looked forward to each time something big had happened. It happened when Maya graduated high school and when Josh got his first big job as a teaching assistant helping Cory out at the school. But it wasn't because of the food that Maya was always there. During these huge dinners everyone would gather around. Eric would come through and Morgan would drag her husband and 2 daughters along while Amy and Alan always looked for an excuse to visit their sons and grandchildren.

When Maya and Josh had started to date Cory and Alan were pretty sceptical about the relationship since it was Maya's first love but while they thought that Amy was telling each and every person she would see that the young girl would someday become her daughter-in-law. Alan had thought his wife was silly while Josh had already thought of Maya and himself as the next Cory and Topanga.

"So the next graduation will be when Maya graduates college in 3 years. You nervous dear?" Amy asked as Maya smiled.

She was just done with her freshman year in Architecture while she was sure it would be everything she imagined and when she had started it was so much more than she originally had thought it would be. It was especially nice seeing that she and Josh were getting more and more to see of each other while studying.

"Yeah I am. Especially since your son won't be there anymore," Maya said.

"At least you'll have Riley," Josh said as Riley looked at them.

"I'm nobody's second choice. I have to say I didn't think your relationship would last 3 years," Riley said as everyone laughed.

"Nobody did," Alan said.

"I did. They are incredibly good together," Amy said as Maya smiled.

"Hey, Auggie. Help me quickly. We wrote a song to celebrate this moment in Josh's life. Me and Auggie have been practicing a lot and..." Maya said as she and Auggie sat aside while the 11 year old held a guitar.

"Think now is the time. Ready, Augg?" Maya asked as he nodded.

"Let's go then," Maya said as Auggie started to play.

"Summers comes and goes.
We're grown up.
We're send off into the world.
Scraped from children and on our own.
How do we survive this journey on our own?
One day when time comes, we have each other.
In this big world we call our own we have each other.
I have you and you have me.
It's you and me against the world.
It's you and my against the universe.
Years later, children are running around.
We're both older.
We're both wiser.
Did life go good or did life go bad?
Did it go the way we thought it would?
All I know is that we have each other.
And that's all that matters.
One day when time comes, we have each other.
In this big world we call our own we have each other.
I have you and you have me.
It's you and me against the world.
It's you and my against the universe.
Life came and went by us.
People left our lives while new people entered.
Was this the dream or is this a nightmare we're living?
One day when time comes, we have each other.
In this big world we call our own we have each other.
I have you and you have me.
It's you and me against the world.
It's you and my against the universe.
It's us against the world.
It's the two of us until the end of time.
Until the end of time."

"Beautiful. Good job, Bud," Topanga said.

"I still say you should have become a singer. Amazing, Love. Both of you were," Josh said as Maya smiled.


Maya and Josh sat outside at the lake while the sun was slowly going down. Sitting in the back of his truck Maya smiled feeling the cool June wind blowing through their hair as both of them were just in the moment without thinking about anything else. Maya smiled feeling Josh's arms around her body as she leaned her head closer into his body.

"Now this is how graduation should go. This is all I could dream about," Josh said as Maya smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, Mr Matthews," Maya said as Josh smiled.

"One day I hope all of this pays off. These last 4 years of studying. And I already know I'm going to have a student who is exactly like you," Josh said as Maya chuckled.

"Hopefully not. I was a disaster in middle school," Maya said.

"Maybe our kid will be that then. When you become my wife," Josh said as Maya looked at him.

Suddenly pulling away she looked at Josh shocked at what she heard. Josh smiled at her as he stuck his hand in his blazer getting a box out of the pocket. Maya looked at him opening the box as she saw the diamond gasping.


"Maya Penelope Hart, will you marry me? Become my wife. Continue our story into this world," Josh said as Maya bite her lip nodding her head.

"Yes," Maya said.

Josh took Maya's hand in his placing the ring on her finger as she looked at him. Giving him a smile she leaned forward, placing a passionate kiss on his lips, as they fell back into the truck looking at the sky. Maya smiled knowing her dream came true. She was everything she could be and now after all this time, she was going to be Mrs Maya Matthews

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