Graduation Love

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"You look very handsome," Maya said as she came through the doors causing Josh to smile at the 19 year old.

The two of them definitely had a difficult love life since they still haven't entirely figured out if they want to date or just be friends but suddenly they did got a lot more close than ever before since Maya had started to study at NYU as well.

"Thanks. I'm as nervous as hell," Josh said as Maya smiled.
"You don't know nervous, believe me," Maya said playing with the strings on his hat fixing it.
"Thank you. For being here. For always being here. It means a lot," Josh said.
"Not like I have anywhere better to be. I'll always be here. To help you and to guide you. Always," Maya said.
"Just sometimes I wonder why," Josh said as he sat down on his bed.

Maya shook her head knowing where all of this was coming from while she wasn't sure if she wanted to hear it.
She sat down next to Josh throwing her arm over his neck while she laid her head on his shoulder.

"Why are you so nervous? This doesn't seem like you," Maya said.
"After this I go into work life and that freaks me out. Like seriously," Josh said as Maya smiled.
"Wow, Josh Matthews is scared of growing up. Who would have thought? But you don't have any reason to be scared. Josh this is just a door opening for you to be so much more than you ever thought. You are going to make an amazing lawyer. And one day that will come to the biggest advantage in life. It doesn't mean the end of something," Maya said.
"It does mean the end of child life. I know college is still grown-up stuff but I was safe as a student. Now I'm officially a lawyer and that scares me. Knowing I've basically looked past my life for a few years," Josh said.
"Growing up is scary. But it's also one of the nicest things to happen to you," Maya said as Josh looked at her.

Smiling he took her hand in his as she looked at him.
Her blue eyes have always been a way for him to escape into a world of endless possibilities.
A world where he could do anything and everything.
A world where growing up was the biggest joy and the last thing he needed to worry about was being afraid of it all.

"You know, this last year flew by like nothing. As if life was put in fast forward and it didn't stop," Josh said.
"Your last year of university will always be like that. Kinda like your last year of high school," Maya said.
"It went by so fast because I had you. I had you to guide me when things were hard. When I didn't know where to go or what was next. But most importantly when I didn't want to go forward. Thank you for being here and for being my light," Josh said as Maya smiled placing a soft kiss on his cheek.
"Go charm them, Joshua Matthews. Make us proud," Maya said leaving the room.

Exhaling Josh looked at the box as he went out of the room himself.
Meeting up with his friends he shook his head thinking back of the conversation he and Maya had while his mind was at the graduation.
Sitting down in the front row he looked back seeing as Maya was right behind him as she gave him a smile.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the graduation class of 2020. Congratulations to all of the students who made it past their graduation and into adult world. Now let's welcome out graduation students. Jasmine Scott. Andrew Perry. Charlotte Jones. Amelia Mionett. Nathan Rodriguez. Emma Wilson. John McCain. Erin Anderson. Johnny Smith. Joshua Matthews," the announcer said as all of the students came to get their diplomas.
"Welcome to the real life guys. And I hope you have the most amazing time in your careers and in your life."

Josh smiled as he was being congratulated by his parents and Eric before Cory came along.

"I'm proud of you, Brotha. We all are. Welcome to the new world," Cory said.
"Welcome to the Elliott Brown & Montgomery Law Firm as the newly hired attorney. Elliott can't wait to meet the new man I hired. You start in August," Topanga said.
"Nice work, Uncle Josh," Riley said.
"Thanks," Josh said as he saw Maya.
"Excuse me quickly," Josh said slipping past his family.

"Still nervous?" Maya asked as Josh shook his head pulling Maya closer to him placing a soft kiss on her lips.

Throwing her arms around his neck Maya pulled them deeper into the kiss as Josh smirked into the kiss knowing it was all he wanted for the past few months as they pulled away.

"Law graduate. I'm proud of you. And I love you," Maya said.
"I love you, Maya Hart," Josh said as he took out a box giving it to Maya.
"What is it?" Maya asked.
"Open it," Josh said as Maya smiled opening the box finding a ring.
"Promise ring," Maya said as Josh smiled taking the box.
"I want to be with you. More than anything else. So, Maya Hart. Will you be my girlfriend?" Josh asked slipping the ring on her finger.
"Yes. Yes I will. I love you so much," Maya said kissing Josh yet again.

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