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Based on A Life Changing Event
Italics are past

Never being able to except lost Maya Hart always tried to make the best of he bad of the bad situations she found herself in constantly.
But this time it was so much worse because the people she cared about most was busy leaving.

"You guys can't honestly think that this is the best thing to do," Katy said as Maya looked how her mother was trying to keep the Matthews in America.
"We do. The work will be amazing and as we have..."
"What will Maya do without her best friend?" Katy asked.
"You mean what will you do without your babysitter," Topanga said.

"Enough," Josh said standing up from where he was sitting next to Cory.
"That is enough now," Josh said as he looked over where Maya sat.
"You two can fight another time. What have you decided, Topanga?" Josh asked.
"We're not going to Europe," Topanga said.
"Thank goodness," Katy said.
"But we're not raising your daughter for you anymore. We have enough on our own forks," Cory said.

"Where were you Friday? You weren't at home," Katy said.
"NYU," Maya said.
"What were you doing..."
"Why the hell did you keep your daughter if you don't even make the effort to ask what is going on?" Josh asked as Maya immediately remembered what happened a few days ago.

Maya sat on her bed busy with Spanish homework knowing that Riley was was out on a date while Cory and Topanga were having a meeting with Auggie's school.
Suddenly she heard voices immediately feeling frightened knowing her friends would come through the window.
She went under the bed grabbing her phone from her pocket as she heard footprints coming inside her room.
She exhaled tears blinking in her eyes while she laid her phone on her chest.

"Someone must be here," a man said.
"There isn't a soul. Come," another man said.

Maya heard as they went through the draws throwing things on her bed while she silently praid that she would be okay.
She exhaled tears now streaming doen her face as she still tried not to make a sound.

All of a sudden hearing footprints from a different person the two men looked at each other.

"Window, now," one man said as they jumped out of the window.

Maya exhaled as she got her phone immediately still shaking trying to call her mother as she knew it wouldn't work.
She sighed as she knew someone was still in the apartment locking her bedroom door.

Josh exhaled knowing his niece was worried over her best friend as he entered the building taking out the note from his pocket revealing the apartment number.
He looked as the apartment was thrown over looking as a familiar backpack laid on the ground.

"Maya," Josh said immediately going down the hall.

He saw as a door was locked exhaling knowing the young girl locked herself up.
He suddenly knocked on the door as Maya looked at the door as she went to it.
Placing her hand on the key as she exhaled pulling her hand back.

"Maya it's me. Open the door," Josh said as Maya slowly placing her hand back on the key.
"Gorgeous please open up," Josh said as Maya smiled unlocking the door as Josh opened it.
"Thank goodness," Josh said as he pulled Maya into his arms causing her to tug on the back of his shirt.
"You're okay. You're okay," Josh said stroking her hair.
"Did they hurt you?" Josh asked and Maya shook her head.

Josh looked over Maya's body making sure she was okay as he looked into her eyes seeing that she was crying.

"Come, let's go to my apartment," Josh said.

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