Our Crazy Experience

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Request from NovaArtin0
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So I have a problem not making these very long so I'm going to try to make them longer but bear with me.

Maya smiled looking around the apartment which was decorated very nicely.
After she and Josh started to date the previous year they found out that Maya was pregnant.
While she was 17 and still living with her parents it was difficult for her and Josh to actually move on with their lives as a young couple who was pregnant.
But after a struggle it was like her parents made peace with it.

"You excited to find out the gender?" Josh asked and Maya smiled.

After finding out the gender the two gave the envelope to a cake place so it would be a surprise to them as well.
Maya found out shortly after Josh's 20th birthday that she was pregnant making it very difficult for both of them since they were so young.

"I hope the parents are going to behave. Mine are not very pleased with yours. I wish they could actually get along," Maya said.
"Maya, yours are angry at me because I got you pregnant. And mine are... Well my mother tries to protect me whole my father is going with her. It's not your fault. My parents love you," Josh said and Maya smiled.

"You two ready for the reveal?" May asked.
"If you leave the Hunters alone, yes," Josh said.
"If they blame my baby for knocking up his girlfriend I'm going to fight," Amy said.
"Okay, let's find out the gender to our babies," Maya said and everyone looked at them.
"What?" Maya asked.
"You used plural," Shawn said and Maya exhaled.
"We've been using it since I first went to the doctor. Why is it now a..."
"Maya Penelope Hunter if you yell me I'm becoming a grandmother to twins I'm losing my mind," Katy said and Maya looked at her mother.

"I don't get it. We've been using babies since we found out in March," Josh said.
"None of us knew it was twins. Cory?" Alan said and Cory looked at his brother.
"Okay, this celebration is postponed. How can you..."
"Mom, how can you not realize that when you hear 'babies' it's multiple?" Josh asked.

"No one does," Riley said and Maya exhaled as she started to feel cramps.
"Ow," Maya said as Josh rushed over to her.
"You okay?" Josh asked and Maya shook her head.
"Something is really wrong. It hurts a lot," Maya said.
"Okay take a deep breathe. Riley can you get the hospital bag? Something tells me this is another early labor," Josh said.

Maya exhaled throwing her head back on the pillow.
She was for sure in labor while still having five weeks of pregnancy left.

"You're doing good. Now take a deep breath and give us another push," the doctor said as Maya did what she was told.
"I can see the head. One more big push," he said.
"Almost there. Almost there, Gorgeous," Josh said as Maya gave another push hearing cry noises.
"Okay, here comes the next one," he said.

Half an hour later Josh and Maya were in a recovery ward each with a baby in their arms as Amy and Alan came through.
Maya smiled before seeing her parents coming through.

"Oh my gosh," Katy said.
"They are beautiful, Maya," Amy said.
"Thank you. Let's introduce them. With Josh over there is Hunter Alan Matthews and with me is Cornelia Katy Matthews."
"Both genders?" Katy asked and Maya nodded.

"Katy do you want to hold your grandson?" Josh asked.
"I would love to," Katy said.

Josh handed Hunter over to Katy as instant tears came in Maya's eyes.
It was so bitter-sweet letting her children meet their grandparents knowing these are her babies.

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