Love Part 1

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"Okay, Kids. Time to start the game," Cory said.

It was games night at the Matthew's house while Maya was trying to avoid Josh so he could have some time with his family instead of her being all crazy. She definitely felt like her slight crush she developed days ago for the young high school student was becoming more and more like love and she tried to avoid her heart getting broke all over again.

"This game is called 'Secrets' where you need to find out a secret from someone that nobody knows and then we're going to discuss it. Um... Riley is with Lucas, Auggie takes Ava, I'm with Topanga and Josh, you can take that blonde since you two can do with knowing each other. Off you go," Cory said as Maya looked at her teacher.

"Is he serious?" Maya asked as Cory yelled 'yes' causing her to exhale grabbing her jacket.

"We going or what, Boing?" Maya asked as both she and Josh went out of the apartment.

"This isn't going to end well," Josh said as Maya looked at him knowing he wasn't feeling like the game was worth anything.

Maya knew why Cory did it. She knew that she has lately not been very happy and that she's been down. But when she met Josh even Cory could see that she felt something that wasn't necessarily nothing.

"I'm just playing with the rules. Come," Maya said as she two of them grabbed a bus.

Driving for half an hour they reached the location as Maya paid the driver before they climbed off the bus. Maya exhaled looking at the place whole Josh looked at her. Upstate New York was barely ever a place where Josh has gone. He was in the area a time or two but not often. And even if he was in the area, Alan made sure his youngest was always protected from the city.

"Shawn has a cabin ten minutes away from here. Where the hell are we?" Josh asked as Maya smiled.

"North Side Lake," Maya said as she sat down on the ground while Josh sat down next to her.

He looked at the young teenage girl not wrapping his head around what was going on. He shook his head as he felt the cold December wind blowing through the air as he smiled.

"The property belongs to my grandfather Andrew," Maya said as Josh looked at her.

"Which once he dies is mine. When I grow up I want to build a house here for me and my family. So we can grow. The place isn't busy so it's perfect," Maya said.

"Sounds incredible. The place honestly is beautiful, not too far from any stores or schools. It's actually perfect to start your own little family here," Josh said.

"Nobody knows about this. Not even Riley," Maya said as she threw a pebble over the water.

"My father left me and my mother when I was five years old. He isn't apart of my life and my mother mainly leaves the parenting to your brother," Maya said as Josh looked at her unsure what to say.

"I'm sorry," Josh said as Maya looked at him.

"Okay. There's two secrets in one day which according to me is an overachievement. Your turn," Maya said as Josh looked at her.

Exhaling he looked at the water taking in the silence around him knowing why she would want to start a family here while also knowing that she would be an amazing mother now knowing what she has gone through.

"Okay then. My father thinks I'm going to take over the family business in Philadelphia when I graduate. But I want to become a social service worker. I want to make a difference in children's lives. In the community. And in the world," Josh said.

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