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Okay, guys.
I'm back.
This was requested by my good old friend Veronica_star_2020 so here goes nothing.
Requests are open.

Maya walked down the street of New York City as she knew what she was about to do was all kind of wrong.
She goes to the address in the back of the napkin she ha sin her hand ringing the doorbell as she saw how a woman in her late 30's came out.

"Afternoon, Ma'am. I got this note saying to meet someone here. I'm not actually sure who I'm looking for," Maya said.
"Kermit! He'll be out in a second," she said leaving Maya speechless at the name.
"Maya, I'm glad you came," Kermit said and Maya shook her head.
"I'm gone and don't even try to now be a father. All reason why you are doing this is because you've heard my mother got married and want to be a father again. You had potentially ten years to be that. You're not my father anymore and please don't ever contact me again," Maya said as she was off.

As she wad walking down the streets she knew for a fact that she couldn't go back home.
With her mother and Shawn on honeymoon it made everything so much more complicated and she didn't want to go to a empy apartment nor could she go to the Matthews because they were in Philadelphia.
Suddenly she heard her phone vibrating seeing a number on it smiling.

"Hi, Josh," Maya said trying not to allow him to beat how her voice was cracking.
"Why does it sound like you are crying? Where are you?" Josh asked.
"Um... Washington Square Park," Maya said.
"Well Cory called me telling me to check up on you. Why don't you come to NYU then we can chat," Josh said.
"I'll be there in a second," Maya said exhaling as she quickly took a breathe putting her phone back in her pocket.

Maya shk het head seeing NYU was right across the street walking towards it as she slowly pulled herself together.
She didn't know what was going to happen neither did she know why Josh would worry.
She walked into NYU to the dorm room where she knew he stayed knocking on the door as he opened it up.

"Come in. Then you can start with telling me why you were crying and don't deny it. Your eyes are bloodshot red," Josh said as Maya quickly closed her eyes causing a year to fall.
"Maya," Josh said wiping the tear away with the back of his thumb as she opened her eyes again.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Josh asked.
"My life. Kermit send me a note and I went to see him," Maya said and Josh exhaled as he pulled Maya close to him.
"What did he want?" Josh asked.
"I don't know. I didn't give him the opportunity to talk. Ugh I'm a mess," Maya said pulling away from Josh.
"It's okay. Sit down then I'll make you some tea," Josh said as Maya sat down.

"It's not okay actually. You have your own life and I should be able to go on, on my own," Maya said.
"Where are your parents?" Josh asked.
"Vancouver with honeymoon and your brother..."
"Is in Philadelphia visiting my parents. Yeah I know that," Josh said.
"I just don't understand why now all of a sudden he wants to see me. Last year when I saw him he just came to explain ehy he left ten years ago. He didn't want to be a father then. Why now after my mom got married?" Maya asked as Josh gave het a cup of tea.
"Because he knows now there is someone to take his place which he doesn't like," Josh said.
"My mom was 24 when he left us. He was 29. He had to be ready for a child then. Why did he really leave? I don't believe the whole thing that he wasn't ready," Maya said.
"Was your mom?" Josh asked and Maya shook het head sipping on her tea.
"Not really. My grandmother had to stop her from getting an abortion. My grandfather was dying at that time and the only joy he had was a grandchild. My grandmother saved me. I found out five years ago when your brother was in Philadelphia for the holidays and I was with my grandmother," Maya said.
"Does your mom know you know?" Josh asked and Maya shook her head.
"This is a secret I'll keep until my death. Both the abortion and that your father contacted you. My family doesn't have to know. Neither does your mom or Shawn," Josh said.
"Thank you, Josh," Maya said as Josh pulled Maya close to him for a hug as he gave her a kiss on her forehead.

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