Unknown Situations Lead To Good

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Maya Hart sat aside from the entire gang as they all had something to necessarily talk about.
Riley and Lucas were definitely having the time of their lives just sitting in a corner talking away about the time that they had in Texas while Farkle and Smackle looked up everything about the place they were at and Zay...
Well since Vanessa came for sophomore year to NYC she joined them and now she was also keeping him company.
The core six turned into seven when Vanessa came to New York and now Maya was as always the single one in the group.
Well, kinda.

She did have her eye on a special guy but she doesn't entirely know whether she could trust him or not.
Her friends she has either known for ten years or at least three while she wasn't sure what to do about the guy who currently had to chaperone them.

Maya has never actually known what she did feel for Josh even if she has always said she kinda thinks of him as cute but that was just how he looks.
Maya exhales at the sound of laugher as she stood up from where she was sitting going outside of the door.

As she breathed in the fresh air she couldn't remember when was the last time she was out of the busy city of New York.
She did love it with all her heart, it was the place where she was born and raised, but she didn't like it in the way how busy it got over most of the things.
Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years, Easter and basically every other holiday it was so busy that she didn't even want to go outside her or the Matthews apartment.

"Hey," said a voice and Maya turned to find the same boy she thought about a second ago.
"You can't just leave the lodge. My brother will wonder where you are and then I'm stuck with a problem," Josh said and Maya exhaled at the thought that he didn't think of anyone but himself.

She looked at him shaking her head before she went to sit down at a bench right in front of the lodge.
Josh took a look at the girl as he realized she was just as fragile as he was.
Maybe even more.
He sighed as he went to sit down next to her knowing she was feeling left out.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to sound nasty. I'm worried about you thought. You are really quiet," Josh said.
"I'm thinking a lot," Maya said.
"About what?" Josh asked.
"My mom, my dad, Riley, you," Maya said causing Josh to smile.
"There is the Maya I know. Let's head back," Josh said.
Josh sat looking as Maya was busy playing around with a old guitar that she had dragged along with them on this journey.
He smiled as he went over to his brother unsure what to actuslly say to him.

"She's been acting off," Josh said and Cory looked over to Maya.
"We know. Since..." Cory said stopping himself due to the fact that he didn't know if Josh knew.
"She's just been a little lonely I guess. She's the only single one. Riley has Lucas, Farkle has Smackle and Zay has Vanessa. While Maya is alone and single. Don't you maybe wanna change your mind about too young?" Cory asked as Josh smiled going over to Maya.

"What you playing?" Josh asked and Maya smiled.
"Nothing actuslly," Maya said.
"So you sing? Or do you just play?" Josh asked.
"I sing a bit. Let's see what u got for you," Maya said.

"If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea
I'll sail the world to find you.
If you ever find yourself stuck in the dark and you can't see
I'll be the light to guide you.
Tell them what were made of.
When we are called to help our friends in need.
You can count on me like 1,2,3
Ill be there.
And I know when I need you I can count on you like 4,3,2 you'll be there.
Cause that's what friends are supposed to do oh yeah.
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh

"Nice work," Josh said.

Maya woke up seeing everyone in the room still asleep as she weft outside wondering what would happen if she could let it all go.
She grabbed her jacket hanging on the coat hanger as she pulled it over her body due to the fact that she just slept in her normal clothes not making it too much of a struggle.
Maya exhaled the fresh, cold air as she sat down making peace with everything around her.
She felt as the cold wind blew through her hair as she took a second to look around.
Even if the sun was starting to slowly come up it was a miracle that the weather wasn't below 40°.

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