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transferring from beauxbatons to hogwarts is obviously going to take some adjusting especially being away from my friends.

i do have one friend at hogwarts who i've known since our mothers went to hogwarts together.

i'm so upset about leaving i told my mother that i know i will hate it there but she won't listen and pulled me out of school to get the same experience as her.

i waited till the last second to pack because i am leaving this morning.

my mother walks in and scolds at me because of how slow i'm moving.

"pick up the pace briar we have to leave in 20 minutes!" she says.

"mum i don't particularly care." i roll my eyes whilst saying.

with the flick of her hand all of my belongings fly into my bags effortlessly. i forgot she could do that. she barely uses magic, only when she is really lazy. plus i stay in my room most of the time i'm home so even if she does use magic i wouldn't see too much.

i scold her but don't do it when she's looking because quite frankly she can scare me sometimes.


we arrived at the train station and i was amazed at how many people were there i can't possibly imagine how everyone will fit.

"your going to have so so much fun, i wish i could go back. wanna pull a freaky friday real quick?" she said as she hugged me so tight i couldn't breathe while pecking my face all around.

"honestly? yes." i say with a dull expression.

"you'd better go it's going to leave soon, and try to find cedric while your on!"

i honestly was going to miss her besides being a little scared of her at times she was my best friend. i put my lips in a line and give a brief wave as i board.

walking down the aisle i finally found a blank compartment. i would go find ced but i'm rather upset right now and don't wanna spoil his day.

i put in my earbuds to my handheld cd player and listen to some fleetwood mac and open a new book i brought, little women, because i don't know how long this ride will be. about five minutes later i feel a tap on my shoulder and i jump slightly looking up at a dark haired boy with a prominent scar on his forehead. i guess i didn't hear the door open because my music was turned up all the way.

"uh- sorry but all the other compartments are full. would it be alright if we sat here?"

i gave a short nod and looked back down at my book not bothering to see who was entering because i can be very awkward sometimes and i'm not in the mood for conversing.

yes i did know who the boy was, harry potter. but i figured he gets the "oooohs" and "ahhhhs" a lot already thought i'd save what's been probably said a million times before.

after a while i felt the train come to a halt i quickly closed my book, grabbed my bag, and stared at the floor as i walked out the door of the compartment. i didn't know where i was going truthfully but i saw cedric with a group of boys. when our eyes met he gave me and smile and walked over to me.

"heard you were coming this year" he said with a big smile on his face. "wasn't expecting you would actually let that happen..." he looked back to his friends yelling his name as he trailed off on his sentence at the end.

"yes well i don't exactly fancy it myself, no offense."

"oh no i'm going to take full offense."

i lightly punched his shoulder and asked where i needed to go.

after he told me where to go i did so and read as i walked to where i needed to be. two identical red heads sat down on either side of me. " 'ello, i'm gred and this is forge" the tall boy said whilst pointing to my left side. he held out his hand and i reluctantly shook it only to feel a zap on my hand, which made me jump a little bit. of course. this just heightened my anxiety and bad mood.

"sorry 'bout that i guess i forgot i had it on..." gred said smiling up to who im assuming to be his brother for obvious reasons. strange names those boys have.

"very mature fred," a girl with bushy hair said as she sat down in the carriage "not childish at all."

"why thank you hermione." gred who is now fred said.

"nevermind them they aren't very bright..." she said "i'm hermione this" pointing to my right "is fred," then pointing to my left "and george. and you are?"

"briar." said briefly and quick enough it could have passed as a breath, ok so the boys lied about their names kind of peculiar but i didn't have the energy to read too much into it.

"pleasure..." the girl, hermione said while looking me up and down with a raised eyebrow.

merlin this is gonna be a long year.

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