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it was tomorrow the second task. stress was induced in many people. briar was in the great hall sitting with cedric telling him she knew he would do good.

ron was sitting at the gryffindor table looking over at briar holding cedric's hand, smiling up at him. he looked down at the fork in his hand feeling like gravity was pulling his mood down.

after lunch ron, hermione, harry, briar, cedric, and neville were in the library. the trio were helping harry last minute with the task the next day. cedric was sitting next to briar as she taking astronomy notes, looking very invested in the lesson. while cedric would tap her shoulder trying to get her to talk to him. neville was nearby the trio studying herbology and couldn't help but overhear their conversation.

briar went over to pick up more books when she heard harry's voice, "no offense, but i don't really care to hear about some plant neville. i'm sorry, i've got to focus for tomorrow." she heard neville stumbling over his words, "i- i know harry, but i think this could help-"

harry interrupted him going on about how he didn't want to know about a gilly something. she poked her head out, hearing harry ridicule neville. "he's just trying to help, harry..." she said softly. harry's head snapped to where briar was, "briar- you don't understand-"

"-no i understand perfectly, neville is trying to be a good friend and help you, but you're standing here saying that you don't care for his help. yet i have heard you bitch and moan many times about how 'you don't know what to do for the next task' it seems to me that you need all the help you can get. even though half of you don't give him the credit, neville is insanely smart. you would most definitely benefit from his help. so stop being a stuck up bastard and show some compassion. it's not as hard as you think it is." before harry could respond she walked back to the table she was sitting at with cedric.

"what was all that about?" cedric asked. "just harry being a git, since no one seems to want to put him in his place, i guess i have to be the one to do it."

"you know b, he's not as bad as everyone thinks he is."

"please cedric- i know that. but i'm not gonna sit here and let him test neville down, when all he is trying to do is lend a hand." she looked back to the group to see neville's cheeks a bright red, harry gritting his teeth, hermione talking very slowly to what it seemed like neville and harry, and ron looking like he was on a different planet. bringing her attention back she saw fred weasley standing over her. "mrs rose, you are needed in mcgonagalls office."

"what why?"

"how should i know. i'm just the messenger." he said swiftly before walking over to his brother and his friends.

"sorry ced, but i have to go. i'll see you later?" he nodded while pursing his lips. she looked over to the trio and neville once again rolling her eyes before leaving the library.

after a minute ron and hermione left the library too. ron studied the way briar was walking a ways ahead of them. she had her head down looking at the floor, perking her head up at times to see where she was going, when she would look up her expression was anxious, as if she was scared someone was watching her, or would try and spook her as she walked, hands traveling between her sides and her front every few seconds, pushing her hair out of her face when it fell out of place, and lastly walking very fast, like she was in a great hurry. she was a very fast walker since she walked out of the library only about a minute before him and hermione, and she was already so far ahead of them. it seemed all natural to her, how she was walking so fast, because although she seemed slightly stressed she didn't look as though this wasn't how she usually walked.

"hey! briar, wait up!"

she looked behind her to see him jogging up to her side leaving hermione in the dust. she knitted her eyebrows together looking to him. "we're you told to go to mcgonagall's office too?" he nodded slowing his pace to match hers. "sorry about what i said to harry." looking away shyly as the words left her mouth.

"oh... well, i'm not very offended. he is just really stressed right now. but that doesn't mean he can be a prick." he smiled slightly.

she turned back to face him slightly, looking at him through the corners of her eyes, biting her lip subtly, attempting to hide her smile.

they walked in comfortable silence until they reached mcgonagall's office.

she went to put her hand on the door handle but as she reached for it, it opened slowly. they three took a seat facing their professor. she went on explaining why she had asked them to come to her. to briar it sounded like she was just going to be in a deep sleep until she was above the water. she shrugged saying she didn't mind. hermione was krum's prize, briar was cedric's, and ron was harry's. she honestly thought it was sweet that ron was the thing harry would miss the most to be without. the last thing she remembered was watching mcgonagall's voice becoming more muffled and her eyes weighing her down.


she gasped for air as she hit the cold air. it felt like she was breaking through glass when her head busted out of the water. looking to her right she saw cedric holding her, cheeks flushed, and smiling brightly. once she got up onto the surface she turned and hugged cedric tightly laughing, "i can't remember much, but i know you were brilliant! i'm so proud of you ced." she kissed his cheek before turning away to accept a towel being held out to her. cedric was the first to make it back, she beamed at him sitting next to her. "i told you, you were going to be amazing. didnt i?"

he let out a breath rolling his eyes slightly, his smile never falling from his face. his attention was taking away when cho came running up to him wrapping her arms around his neck.

hermione made it out next. and soon after ron and fleur's little sister made it out. but there was no trace of harry along with them.

briar helped fleur's sister up onto the surface. escorting her over to fleur where she hugged her tightly and then hugged briar. she turned back around and sprang onto ron hugging him. realizing what she did she quickly stepped back to see his expression faltering at her retreating. cutting their moment short harry was now laying on the floor near them spitting up water. hermione and ron ran to his sides as well as a few teachers. she almost wanted to scoff at how favored harry was, although, cedric was pretty favored too.

she was spun around by jessie facing him. "briar! i was so worried for you." he kissed her quickly on the lips. "really?" she asked genuinely surprised. "really." he replied. he wasn't actually, he was talking to a ravenclaw girl the whole time. his friend had to nudge him in the shoulder telling him briar was out of the water for him to notice. but of course she didn't have to know that.

i know dobby gives harry the gillyweed in the book but i thought it would be fun to put harry in his place. and yes i do like harry but sometimes i think he needs to be humbled. plus i'm following kinda along both the books and movies loosely.

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