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she walked down to the great hall for dinner with hermione. stopping abruptly before the door "i can't do it."

"do what?"

"i can't go in there. i have to fake something. you go on and tell him i fell sick." hermione rolled her eyes, "you are such a baby, come on." pulling her wrist into the room. briar decided to sit with ginny today in attempts to help her get out of her date.



"ginny i need you to help me, as you know i've been asked out and i'm scared could you tell him i got really sick? something contagious so he won't come near me." ginny stared at her blank face "if it makes you feel better i can stay down in the common room and if it seems like your getting too uncomfortable, i can make up something to get out out of there quick."

she nodded slowly "yeah, ok i guess that would work."

after they were done eating briar's stomach turned into knots. she raced off towards the common room before jessie could catch up to her. as she expected there were tons of people in the common room. feeling a hand on her shoulder she jumped and turned around. "jumpy, you are."

"uh- just hold on one second jessie i've got to- get toulouse." before he could answer she ran to the stairs and into her room. she picked up her kitten and grabbed all the things she would need to study.

she slowly walked back down to the common room trying to manage her breath. when she looked up she saw some of the kids that were in there earlier, had left. she looked around and saw her friends at tables and chairs talking, and a few other people spread out around the room. her eyes fell on jessie as he sat with his arm out behind the couch and his leg crossing on top of the other. he had a really smug look on his face, but she ignored it as she sat down next to him. she set toulouse down next to her as she put all her notes, books, homework, and notebooks out on the table in front of them. she looked over to jessie and saw he didn't have anything to study.

putting toulouse back in her lap she bit her lip, "how are you supposed to study without materials?" he looked down in surprise at all of the things she brought "wait- are we- did you think we were actually going to study?" her face got red hot as she looked down, "i- well yeah." straightening herself up "wasn't that the plan?"

"i suppose so..." she swallowed before she turned around and saw ginny behind her mouthing 'you ok?' she nodded slightly looking back to him. figuring she is being too judgmental and told herself to give him a chance.

after a half hour of her studying and him trying to make moves, he gave up and help her study. realizing he was actually pretty smart. after a while she realized they got off the topic of studying and started talking about why he came to hogwarts, and how he got in so late in the year.

finding herself loosening up and laughing at his jokes, he looked behind her and raised an eyebrow.

"briar, i need help. right now. can you come with me up to my room?" realizing the plan her and ginny made and how bad ginny was at lying, she looked up at her "no i think you're alright."

after a couple more minutes she put her hand down to stroke toulouse's fur only to find she was gone. "wheres toulouse?"

"wheres what?" she stood straight up, "toulouse!" frantically turning around she saw behind her she was cuddled up on ron's chest purring softly as he played wizards chess with harry. walking over to him she looked at him confused. noticing the look on her face he spoke up "she wandered off when you weren't looking, she came over here meowing, knocking down my chess pieces, and pawing my chest. i guessed she wanted attention so i let her on me and scratched her head until she fell asleep. and now we are here."

"i thought you didn't like cats?"

"i don't, can't help that she likes me."

a small smile crept onto her face. she turned back around to see jessie sitting there looking impatient. "i'm back." she cooed sitting down. he smiled at her "listen, some of my friends said they needed me, plus it is getting kinda late... but can we hangout again? soon?" she nodded in response. "i'll talk to you later about details. goodnight briar." he kissed her cheek before he walked away. she looked down at her lap then back up only to find ron eyeing were jessie left to looking upset. she walked over to him once again which made his face soften. "i believe i promised to make up for your present?"

he looked up confused, "yeah... but it's already late, we have to be off soon."

"come on, it's saturday. we can stay up late." slowly walking towards the entrance leading to the girls dormitories. "are you mad? i can't go up there?!" "you're no fun, you know that?" she sighed "come on i have something planned, it'll be fun, i promise. if you don't think it's fun then... i don't know. i'll do your divination homework."

that seemed to perk his ears up "but i'm still not allowed to go up there." rolling her eyes she said "a girl is asking you to come up to her dorm, now nothing is going to happen between us obviously, but in any other circumstance... you decline that offer?" his cheeks flushed pink, he slowly stood up abandoning his chess game, which harry left minutes before jessie did. held toulouse to his chest and slowly started walking towards her, examining the entrance as if it would collapse on him any second.

she rolled her eyes again before yanking him up the stairs.

they both knew nothing was going to happen. but briar did actually want to hangout with ron.

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