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the next day after the yule ball, briar and ron came to an unspoken agreement not to talk about the events from the night before. briar was back to being her shy self, she honestly didn't know where all of that confidence came from last night. dean seemed only interested in briar as a friend again, jessie kept trying to get her attention and wasn't about to give up. briar was mainly focusing on the second task coming up and trying to help cedric. she would help fleur but she kept shutting herself out to figure things out on her own, plus she has known cedric all her life and wanted to see him succeed.

"did you figure out the egg yet?"

"b, we still have two months. i think i have some down time."

she stopped him as they walked down the hall by his shoulder, "but you've got to be prepared."

"i will be." he said smiling. they continued walking before cedric saw cho pass by. "uh- sorry b, i have to bail on studying with you. i promise next time i won't leave, but just this once please."

"what? why?" but before she could get a reply he was already running to cho's side giving her a kiss on the cheek. she turned to keep walking before running into jessie. "fancy seeing you here." he said smirking. "it's a school hallway." she replied dully as she pushed past him. "listen," he continued catching back up to her "let me take you out, hogsmeade this weekend?"

"i'm not sure i can... i'm sorry." briar responded truthfully. "why not?" he asked raising a brow. she sighed, "because i've got to study-"

"-perfect! i need to study. it'll be a study date." jessie said interrupting her. she examined him for a second "i haven't made my mind about you yet. study hangout." turning to keep walking he called out feet away, "date!" she couldn't stop the blush from growing to her cheeks.

holding her books to her chest and walking with her head down deciding to skip the library having no one to go with. then she remembered her plan about her movie player, picking up her feet to go find ron.

entering the common room seeing him play a game of chess against himself she took a piece and made a move, to which he looked up as if she were an angel. "i didn't think of that move!"

"did your father respond?" after seeing him staring at her blankly she continued, "about the spell, for the flying car."

"OH! right- yes he did." pulling the letter from the pocket of his robes. she started laughing reading the note "bilius?!" his face instantly going red he snatched the letter back from her, "that was my mother's part, shove off. if you don't stop laughing i won't tell you how he did it!" shooting her eyes back to him she tried so hard to conceal her smile but was failing miserably. after a couple seconds seeing her fighting so hard to keep a straight face he sighed and started explaining.

"-right! that's the part i forgot! thank you ron!" interrupting him mid sentence when she realized what she had been missing. briar got up and hugged him tight before running up to her dorm.

i am sorry i haven't wrote in a few weeks, but i was wondering if you could do me a favor and send me the movie player from home and my dvds. i'm going crazy without being able to watch one...

she went on explaining the yule ball and other small things that she thought would be interesting to a mom.

i'll try to write more often i'm sorry. i love you and miss you dearly.

sealing up the letter she started down towards the owlery passing by ron again and making another move. she would have gotten herself an owl, maybe she would later when she got more money. but really wanted something to comfort her and hangout with her, which toulouse didn't mind doing at all. choosing one of the school's owls and watching it take off with her letter into the sunset she realized dinner was to be very soon. she started towards the hall stopping at times to talk to different portraits or scold peeves for scaring her down the halls.

this was the first time in all her time so far in hogwarts that she was actually early/on time for a meal. she was one of the first people to the table. feeling extremely awkward looking like a loser she almost stood up to leave and come back but saw the golden trio walking towards where she was sitting. hermione sat next to her and the boys across from them. once harry started ranting about professor snape signaling him out when he went to go see dumbledore, briar felt hands clasp onto her shoulders. naturally she got scared and spun around as quickly as she could to find jessie looking down to her. she squinted her eyes looking at him, "you almost gave me a heart attack."

"i forgot to ask, where is our study date going to take place?"

she thought for a second, definitely somewhere public because she wasn't too sure about him yet, "common room." he frowned probably catching up on why she choose the common room "i don't bite." "good, that would be weird if you did." she replied. he pursed his lips, "time?"

"after dinner?" she responded smiling, knowing the common room would be packed. he didn't catch onto the last part, still being at hogwarts for only about a week. he nodded before going down the table to where his friends were.

she turned back starting to load food onto her plate, looking up to see why no one was talking. hermione beaming said, "are you going out on a date with jessie wilde?"

"hangout." she corrected her. "nice catch briar. he's not too bad to look at."

"wait your going out with that guy?!" ron asked. "we are hanging out. nothing more is going to happen. he's gonna get bored of me and move onto someone more interesting, trust me."

"i don't like that guy..." he said glaring down the table.


two days later briar was sitting in the great hall eating with neville and ginny when the owls came bustling in. a brown owl swooped down dropping a big box behind briar's seat, it was her mother's owl, hercules. she fed him a bit of sausage before he took back off through the windows.

suddenly feeling very full briar decided to leave the great hall early and go to fix up her movie player. she bid her goodbyes to ginny and neville before running off with the heavy box.

hurrying up to her dorm, which she was so glad she had to herself and toulouse. she opened up the box to see that her mother had already magicked the movie player. suddenly feeling very bad for getting ron to owl his father and go out of their ways just for her only to not need the help. she didn't want to tell him this but she decided she would secretly make it up to him.


one more day till her 'date' and briar was terrified. even though they would be in a very public area she had never been on a date before and was very awkward. even though she knew he was going to get bored of her after five minutes, her heart was palpitating just from the knowledge of being asked out.

she didn't know what to wear, say, how to act, or if she was supposed to twirl her hair like she saw girls do in the movies, and how girls from beauxbatons did.

that morning briar pulled hermione to the side to the common room, "granger, i- i need your help. you know i have this date tonight and i don't know how to prepare. could you please come by my room and help me?" hermione just looked at her nodding and smiling brightly before she turned to go with harry somewhere.

she shouldn't have agreed to this, how stupid is she?

'this is going to be hell' she thought.

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