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i completely forgot about christmas so let's just pretend they are celebrating christmas late then i'll get back to it.

briar woke up that morning to look over to her window and see it was snowing and the ground was covered in snow. she got up and got her gift she got for toulouse and held it out for her.

it was a toy that she could play with when briar wasn't with her, a knitted sweater for cats, and treats.

toulouse seemed to like them, besides the sweater, but she started playing with her toy while briar got ready to go to breakfast.

meeting hermione as she walked to the bathroom she told briar to come down stairs and that there were gifts for her. she went back into her room and grabbed toulouse and the presents she got for everyone. she walked down to the common room to see a huge christmas tree and hundreds of presents underneath it. everyone was exchanging gifts and it seems like it was harry's turn to open his gifts. even though they didn't know each other well she felt obligated to get him something. handing him his present he opened it to see a small box of sweets.

next was neville, which briar was very excited for, neville opened his box to reveal a tiny potted plant. "it's-"

"-dittany!" neville interrupted, "sorry."

"you probably already know what it does."

"yes, it is a very powerful herb used commonly for healing. thank you briar!" neville beamed as he wrapped her in a hug.

next being hermione, briar gave her a magic quill that needs no ink and never runs out. luna, who managed to sneak into the gryffindor common room, opened her gift from her. briar gave her a mooncalf. "it was extremely hard to catch one but i managed to when they came out last full moon. that one seemed to just walk over to me. he kept walking off so i started calling him aster, short for asteroid. but i'm sure the name hasn't stuck yet so you could probably change it to whatever you'd like."

"he's beautiful, i love the name aster." luna said beaming. next ginny, who briar gave her, similar to cedric's, a red and yellow sweater with the number six on the front. "did you make this yourself?" briar nodded bashfully. "it's brilliant, i love it, thank you!"

next the twins, she got them each a box full of pranks and jokes, she took random things that didn't have much meaning and magicked them to come to life or do something to scare you. one for instance was an orange she decided not to eat one day and she saved it, later turning it to morph a face when it was picked up to eat. their eyes widened and they tackled her into a hug.

then it was ron's turn, she gave him a knitted chudley cannons hat with orange mittens and a box of sweets. "merlin, thank you briar."

she also got a gorgeous antique ring she found for fleur and sent it to her before she went to sleep the night before.

lastly it was her turn. she didn't expect anything at all but pushed towards her were many gifts. from mrs weasley a green sweater with 'B' on the front. fred and george, a pair of pj shorts that had their faces plastered all over them, luna, a book about different mythical creatures, ginny, a stevie nicks cd she said she found, hermione, a journal with a charm set on it so only she could open it, neville, thinking very much like briar did, gave her fluxweed, known for healing, and being used to make polyjuice potion. harry, also thinking like her, a load of sweets. and lastly ron, giving her a box of books, some on greek mythology, which she told him she wanted to learn more about, novels she was rambling on and on about wanting to read, books on crystals and how to use them, and astrology books, mainly focusing on her sign, pisces. she was smiling the biggest she thinks she had in months. "you remembered me talking about all of these?" looking down blushing like a maniac ron nodded shortly after being crowded by the twins teasing him for the gift.


"i feel terrible."

"what, why?"

she pulled him to the side of the common room after breakfast, "your gift... it was amazing. i feel terrible, all i got you were sweets, a hat, and mittens. let me make it up to you."

"briar. it really wasn't a big deal i went to this bookshop and found all of those books for two sickles a piece."

she looked down like she had failed him, shaking her head in disbelief. "i'm going to make it up to you."

"fine, i don't mind being treated." ron said cockily. they started walking back to the others. "ok but, where was that bookshop?"

he rolled his eyes, "i'll take you someday."

this is very short sorry

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