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tw: abuse

a few days later things were mostly back to normal.

classes started again as anticipated. briar was in her transfiguration class, sitting there reading because she had already successfully transfigured her book into her hedgehog into a pin cushion.

ron took this as his chance to talk to her. he stood up and slowly walked over to her seat. "hey briar... i'm having trouble with the spell, could you- you know, help me?"

she looked up at him smiling as she closed her book and walked over to his seat. "do you want me to actually teach it to you or just do it for you?" he looked over to see mcgonagall wasn't looking, he could probably get away with it. looking back over to her with her eyebrow raised slightly waiting for his reply. "whatever you want." he said trying to seem confident.

"alright, well... you may need to know this later. probably not but you never know." she took the hand he had his wand in and raised it to the hedgehog. "you go like this..." with her hand just before his elbow moving his arm. slowly it turned into the pincushion. "you did it!" she looked up at him smiling.

"only because you helped me." flashing his signature side smile she couldn't help but blush slightly.

"i don't know what your talking about." she said slyly just before making her way back to her chair.

a few minutes after mcgonagall walked around checking everyone's work she dismissed the class. as briar walked out she felt a hand grab her arm and pull her to the side. she only saw his face for a split second before he bent down to kiss her. seeing ron walk out just seconds after her, she lightly pushed him away but hugged him instead to cover up her rejecting him.

her and jessie were walking just a few feet ahead of ron and harry. "why do you reckon she's still with him? he forgot her birthday. she deserves better." ron grumbled. "like who?" harry asked. "well i don't know, how am i supposed to know?" he shot back defensively. "i don't know just asking..." harry shrugged.

entering the great hall for lunch she was about to depart from jessie to sit with her friends but, he grabbed her hand before she could, pulling her to sit next to him as he laughed with his friends. halfway through her lunch she got her book taken out of her hands by jessie, "come on, contribute to the conversation."

"i don't know what to say... all you guys are talking out is how much davis got last night." going into a whisper when saying the last bit of her sentence.

jessie clenched his jaw and threw her book back to her, coincidentally landing in her soup.

she grabbed it quickly and started cleaning it off with a napkin. after a few seconds she remembered her wand and performed a spell on it to make it as good as new. instead of opening it back up again she sat staring down at her food picking at her food. she stayed silent for a little while nibbling on her bottom lip before she finally got up to leave after seeing others do the same. not saying goodbye to jessie she hurried out of the dining hall.

walking with the same pace as she always did, quickly with her head slightly down, occasionally looking up to see where she was heading.

once she made it back to gryffindor tower, she whispered the password and ran up to her dorm. slipping out of her robes and uniform, putting on shorts and a big shirt. pulling toulouse into her chest stroking her fur, she made her way to her bed. turning to get her cd player she turned it on and slid under the covers drifting off to sleep.


she woke up just in time for dinner, her stomach grumbling she got up and made her way to dinner.

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