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briar groaned turning over to her other side.


she slowly opened her eyes to see none other than ron weasley standing over her, insanely close to her face.

on instinct she let out a yelp and slapped him away.

"ouch, what was that for?" he asked rubbing his now red cheek.

"what are you doing here? it's," she looked over to her clock, "12 in the morning."

"i'm hungry." ron said shyly. "and why do i come into that equation?" she grumbled laying back down.

his cheeks flushed, trying to shake off what she had just said, "i was wondering if you wanted to go get a midnight snack..."

"ron we have done this a million times before, i'm tired."

"please? i promise just one cookie and we can come straight back. i don't want to go alone."

she looked up into his eyes, her gaze softening slightly, "alright fine. but we are not staying out for more than thirty minutes."


they walked down to the common room and out into the halls.

"did you bring it?" she whispered. "bring what?" he whispered back. briar stopped tip toeing and turned towards him, "the- the map. that says where everyone is."

"i knew i forgot something..." he looked down at his slippers.

"well, come on! we have to go back and get it! i'm not going to get caught for eating one cookie."

"briar. we're already out here, we'll just have to be super careful."

she looked into his eyes stubbornly, going over what could happen. finally she took a breath and said, "alright, fine."

they walked down to the kitchens, slowly stepping in. ron had it good with the elves because fred and george had made friends with them. so, knowing ron was their brother they allowed him and whoever was with him into the kitchens.

"mr wheezy!" one of the elves exclaimed running towards them, "what can i get you?"

"erm-" he turned towards briar to see her shrugging in response, "chocolate chip cookies- the soft kind you make. thank you."

she heard the sound of little pattering feet going off to start work.

"mr wheezy?" briar teased.

"oi, don't be like that." he pushed her shoulder playfully, "when i first met them they couldn't get my name right, and i never had the heart to tell them they were saying it wrong, so i just let them call me wheezy."

"that's so cute." briar smiled.

only a few seconds later the same elf came running back to where they were, carrying a plate of fresh cookies.

briar and ron both muttered their thanks and started eating.

once the plat was finished, briar giving in and eating more than she was expecting she would, she told him they should get back to their dorms.

as they were walking in the halls, briar suddenly stopped and held ron back with her, "do you hear that?"

"hear what?"

"that- the chattering."

they both went quiet listening intently for voices.

"i don't hear anything briar let's just keep go-" ron was cut off by the sound of a loud crack.

"i'm sure it's nothing..." ron continued now nervous, "probably just the wind."

both of them walked quietly around the corner to see mad eye and snape getting into it. peeves, on the other side of the hall tipping things over to make a mess.

briar was stuck watching the scene play out as ron yanked her arm away from view when he saw snape start to turn towards them.

ron had pulled her into the wall holding his finger to her lips, "shhhhh..."

he could feel her soft, covered in chapstick, lips against his calloused finger. he would never want to say it out loud but he had been practicing quidditch a lot more recently, hoping to make the team next year.

slowly removing his finger from the middle of her lips, he looked into her eyes, then down at her lips, just then realizing how close he was standing, pushing her up against the wall.

ron gulped quickly peeling his eyes away from her.

just then they heard footsteps approaching them. so, ron grabbed her hand and pulled her into a nearby room, which happened to be a broom closet.

"ron what-" briar started to whisper but quickly got cut off by ron's hand clamping against her mouth. he looked at her with pleading eyes, not wanting to speak.

they heard the footsteps slowly walking towards the closet. just as whoever was on the other side of the door started turning the door knob, another loud crash was heard down the hall. causing the person to run in the opposite direction.

after a few seconds of silence ron finally decided to speak, "wow, that was a rush." he sighed, lightly dropping his head against one of the shelves.

"next time, we are bringing that map." briar said breathlessly.

as ron slowly opened the door to see if anyone was outside, he signaled briar to come out.

they walked in silence, not wanting to do that all over again until ron started laughing. "you have to admit that was pretty fun."

she looked over to him, her face cemented into a serious expression, but watching ron hold his stomach trying not to laugh too loudly made her expression change quickly, almost as if ice was under a heat lamp.

once they approached the portrait door to their common room peeves struck out of the wall, scaring them, laughing mercilessly at their scared faces.

the ghost suddenly stopped laughing and swooped down towards them. "so," he started, "what are you going to do to repay me for saving you back there?"

"what? that was you?" briar yawned.

"go inside briar, just wait for me on the couch. i'll be in, in just a minute." ron looked down to her motioning towards the door.

briar instantly accepted his offer and climbed through the portrait hole.

"alright what do you want peeves." ron rolled his eyes.

"just get your brothers to come out here one night, i have something i want tp discuss with them."

"that's all i need to do?" ron questioned, not buying his sudden act of kindness.

"oh no. i'll think of something you can do to repay me later." he said gliding into one of the portraits.

ron rolled his eyes again, knowing nothing comes for free with peeves. he walked into the common room to see a sleeping briar sprawled out on the couch.

she looked so angelic. her breathing slowly rising and falling, her eyelashes fluttering as she breathed, and her lips slightly open, letting quiet snores escape.

grabbing a blanket he draped it over her, tucking her in slightly, smiling at the sight in front of him.

ahhhh this is my last update until this weekend!!! i'm sorry my loves i wish i could still update.

Loverboy - ron weasley Where stories live. Discover now