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"hello." a soft voice spoke out.

"oh hello."

"i'm luna lovegood..."

there was a pause and after a few seconds i realized she wanted to know my name too. "briar rose nice to meet you."

she was absolutely beautiful, looked like an angel. it kind of freaked me out by how approachable she was.

"luna... luna? luna where are you?" i heard another voice call out. soon the voice rounded behind the bookcase we were standing by. "oh- there you are! i've been looking for you."

i gave a small smile to yet another red head in front of me. she was also gorgeous. 'the girls at hogwarts are very attractive' i thought to myself. her hair was tied up in a pony tail with dirt smudged on her knees, palms of her hands, and the right side of her face. she looked quite out of breath as she tumbled forwards.

"luna, why did you leave i thought you were gonna watch me practice then we would come to the library?"

"yes i'm sorry but i saw neville and he told me that he was going to study about this type of plant, i figured you had heard me when i called out to tell you i was leaving early." luna said in an airy tone. "this is briar rose," she said nodding to me "and this is ginny weasley."

merlin how many weasley's are there in this school.

"nice to meet you." i croaked out.

she gave me a bright smile and nodded then suddenly turned pink and said, "say uh, briar? would you fancy joining us? studying i mean."

i thought for a second. they do seem nice and i've talked to neville in herbology, he's very sweet. plus i had some astronomy homework to catch up on.

i nodded and followed them to a few sofas nearby.

"so new are you?" ginny said.

"yes i transferred from beauxtons."

"brilliant i heard lots of the girls there are veela."

"uh yes," i chuckled dryly "my friend fluer is a quarter veela."

ginny's eyes went wide "wow, that's amazing. are you?"


she nodded quickly in response.

"oh no no no, i wish..." i trailed off at the end remembering what happens if you get them angry. maybe it's for the best that i'm not. "perhaps half would be nice, they are gorgeous."

just as i finished my sentence neville came walking up with books in hand observing them. "i found quite a few- oh hello briar."


after about an hour of doing homework and reading some of the books neville brought over i stood up and headed back to my dorm to take a nap.


i awoke to a loud popping sound. i shot up and grabbed my wand at ready. i walked over to the door and opened it quickly.

"OI- LEE!" someone shouted.

i noticed a red flash down the hall. as i walked out to examine i bumped into george.

"oh my! i'm sorry, wasn't looking where i was going."

"why are you in the girls dorms?"

"ah... that's a tricky one there," he said glancing back.

i raised my brow in question.


i jumped when i heard the shout right behind me. i obviously didn't hear the other one creep up.

"don't sound so guilty!" he said nodding down to me. "you see- briar? is it?" i nodded in confirmation. "well we were walking up to scare angelina with some of these poppers we made, george here told me her room was the last one but was obviously mistaken."

i nodded not wanting to ask who angelina was. "well you had given me quite a fright if that makes you happy."

"good they work!" george exclaimed.

i looked up at them unamused and turned to go down to the common room, suddenly not feeling so tired anymore. as i walked down i glanced in to see it was packed. i sighed and walked across the room to the portrait hole. i have been at hogwarts for almost a month now and i've started to know my way around. still didn't have many friends besides cedric and i guess you could say luna, ginny, and neville but i see them more as acquaintances. walking out to a courtyard, i sat on a bench opening my book.

hogwarts is alright. i haven't had many experiences where i've been bursting with joy. i am glad that i am roaming the same halls my mother did years ago. my favorite places were definitely the black lake, astronomy tower, and library. i only go up to the astronomy tower at night because i know no one else will be there. i love the idea of being awake when everyone else is asleep. i've also gotten close to professor mcgonagall and trelawney. everyone hates snape although i don't, probably because he never yells at me because i don't talk in class.

i still miss my old school more, i'd much rather be there, although i do love the views at the castle.

i scolded myself as i realized i forgot to bring my cd player and headphones. i didn't really want to hear lavender ramble on and on about how 'dreamy ron's eyes are' or 'how far' a slytherin got with this ravenclaw.

i was so lost in thought i didn't realize someone was sitting next to me.

"hi." i said grumpily.

"well hello to you too."

"sorry, what's up ced?"

"well i just wanted to ask how pleased you would be if your best friend won the triwizard tournament." cedric said with a pleased look on his face.

"your not actually going to enter are you?" i say after a few seconds waiting for the punchline, "cedric."


"you can't- you could get killed! plus the other schools haven't even arrived yet, why are you planning so far ahead?"

"calm down b..."

"no! your out of your mind you are!"

he grabbed ahold of my shoulders forcing me to look at him. "i'll be fine. you know i will. and i doubt they would even call my name, even if they do... and i get too freaked out i'll make sure i don't win, just wimp out every trial." he said nonchalantly.

"you better pray they don't call your name when it's time, because if they do i'll be the one to kill you."

he stifled a laugh. "please, you would never kill me, you love me too much."

i rolled my eyes and scoffed. "your mum would go ballistic..."

"but dad would be all for it. i bet he could convince her."

i lightly pushed him on the shoulder. "come on, i don't particularly fancy hearing about some boy's hookup."

Loverboy - ron weasley Where stories live. Discover now