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50 chapters!!! a milestone!!

after being ridiculed by snape on how her and lavender's potion turned out, briar flopped onto her bed, accidentally waking a sleeping toulouse.

she got up and scratched her cat under her chin before changing out of her robes for hogsmeade.

she put on a midi skirt, a long white t shirt with a flower in the middle, a pearl necklace, and platformed flip flops. she pinned her hair up with a clip naturally making some of her shorter hairs fall out, framing her face. and grabbed a shoulder bag putting a book, her wand, and money in.


ron was anxiously waiting at a table in the three broomsticks, chugging butterbeer down to attempt to drown out his anxiety.

he didn't know why he was so anxious. maybe it was because briar called it a date? even though he knew it wasn't a date. he fancied her so much it made his hands clammy to an embarrassing extent.

once class was over he raced to his dorm and quickly changed, almost forgetting to put on shoes.

they didn't exactly set a time for when to meet there, but he knew he didn't want to be late. he was usually late to everything, class and detentions especially.

he had been waiting at that table for what felt like hours but was only about 20 to 30 minutes. just as he considered leaving, thinking she stood him up, the door's bell rung signaling someone had walked in.


as she entered the three broomsticks, her eyes instantly caught onto ron's. he was sitting there with two empty glasses of butterbeer sitting in front of him. it seemed like he had been waiting a while.

"i'm so sorry, have you been waiting long?" briar asked as she sat opposite to him.

"oh- no. not long at all." he lied.

in all honestly 20-30 minutes wasnt a very long time. but ron hadn't brung anything with him to keep him occupied. so he sat there chugging his butterbeers, waiting twiddling his thumbs awkwardly for that amount of time. so in reality, of a person who had to sit for almost a half hour, with nothing to do, it was a long time.

she looked down to the empty glasses smiling, "got pretty thirsty were we?" suddenly just realizing how sloppy he looked, he picked them up swiftly stuttering, "ah- sorry. i- yeah. i'll be right back..."

he walked off to the front, hitting himself repeatedly in the head.

once he got two new cups filled to the brim, he turned back around to see a guy leaning over their table talking to briar.

jealousy washed over him so quickly he didn't even notice the mood change. he clenched the glasses harder as she walked over to their table.

"actually i'm here with somebody so..." he heard her say softly looking down at the table.

"oh come on, i know this great place nearby a lake in the woods." the boy blabbed on.

ron instantly noticed it to be a dumstrang boy, hearing his thick bulgarian accent.

making himself known, he slammed down the glasses causing them to spill slightly, "hi." he said with a tight lipped smile, obviously wanting the boy to leave.

briar looked down at the floor, wanting to be anywhere, doing anything, other than being in that situation.

"who are you- ohhhh, you're that ginger kid who hangs around potter." the dumstrang boy said patting down on ron's shoulder hardly.

ron's face instantly turned a deep shade of red, almost matching his hair.

briar instantly stood up, not wanting ron to get in trouble for another fight, and not causing a bigger scene than it already was in the middle of the pub.

she stood in between both boys facing ron, not noticing how close their faces were, she looked into his eyes pleadingly, "come on ron. it's fine, let's just go somewhere else."

he sighed, grabbing briar's hand, pulling her out of the pub, going anywhere else.

he had walked them to a different building, going behind it and leaning himself against the stone wall.

"bloody prick." ron mumbled under his breath.

"don't listen to what that boy said, you're so much more than 'that ginger kid, who hangs around potter' trust me." she spoke in a hushed tone, almost scared she was going to upset him more.

ron breathed out, "it's fine. it just gets annoying sometimes."

"if it helps," she sighed "i used to be referred to something like that, when i hung out with fleur."

"are you two not close anymore?" he asked pushing off the wall.

"she's just been busy, with the tournament and all."

ron nodded, kicking the dirt with the toe of his shoe.

briar stepped closer to him resting her hand on his arm, "i'm sorry."

"it's alright, it's not your fault." ron chuckled dryly.

"come on," she held out her hand for him to take, "don't let that stupid guy bring you down. let's go have fun, like we planned to do."

"fine, but we still need to go eat later, once we are sure that dumstrang prat is gone. i'm bloody starving."

"and you think i'm not? of course we are getting food. i didn't even get to drink my butterbeer."

he hesitated before accepting her hand, instantly getting yanked around the store's corner. leading him into the sea of people running their errands, or just down in hogsmeade to relax, even though being around hundreds of people chattering, and running around in and out of different stores didn't seem too relaxing to him.

as they swerved around different wizards, ron focused in on him and briar's hands clamped together. instantly feeling his cheeks heat up.

ahhhh i'm leaving for camp tomorrow and i'm nervous. wish me luck

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