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a stern faced woman with a tight bun on her head lead me away from the tables of students and told me to wait there. after a man with a long grey beard announced a 'welcome back' he called my name and i cautiously walked up to where the woman pointed to a stool.

"sit" she said.

i did as she said because i can tell you don't want to be on her bad side. as a lowered myself on the stool with thousands of eyes staring into me, some looking bored, some excited, some with unreadable expressions. i bit my lip as a huge dusty hat was placed on my head.

i jumped slightly when i heard a deep voice and searched around the room to see no lips moving only to realize... it was the hat.

"hmmm briar rose... descendant from therese rose..." the hat paused. i could feel it shifting slightly. "your mother was a hufflepuff... but i see more angst in you... not ravenclaw although you are smart enough to be one... slytherin would be a good fit, although i can see you getting along with them it is not your house... hufflepuff seems nice with the kindness, shyness, and trust in your heart... but ambition and loyalty triumphs all your other traits... better be... GRYFFINDOR!"

as i felt the hat lifted off my head i saw a table that was cheering, presuming it was the gryffindor table to quickly walked over to an empty seat next to a kind faced boy and across from yet another red head but not the ones i saw earlier.

"um hello, i'm dean thomas." the boy said holding his hand out. i shook it reluctantly. "briar rose." he gave a nod and turned his attention back to the grey haired man. the man announced that there would be a triwizard competition this year and that the beauxtons and dumstrang schools would be joining. suddenly i felt a weight lift off my chest hearing my old school would be here. maybe this wouldn't be so terrible... soon food magically appeared on the golden plates ahead of us. i didn't realize how hungry i truly was until i saw the food.

after i finished eating i pushed my plate away from me and put my elbows on the table to hold up my head.

"merlin you can eat a ton." the boy across from me said slowly. i glance up with a disgusted look on my face. soon he realized what he said and fumbled with his fork. "i didn't mean- i- uh" soon he found his voice and said "that's not a bad thing." i pushed my lips in a line and softened my face to show i wasn't that upset over the comment even though it did kind of dent my self esteem. "hey wait i recognize you, you were in the compartment i was in."

"uh yeah i guess i didn't see you..."

"well duh your eyes were glued to that bloody book."

feeling like this was a person i wouldn't particularly like all i said was a "yeah..." and carried on with waiting for whatever would happen next.

after a few minutes i felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up to see cedric towering over me. "hello love, thought you looked bored and needed some company." suddenly i didn't feel as annoyed even though i really didn't want any company but decided against saying that to him.

"yes i was about to go brain dead because i was so bored." i said in a sarcastic tone.


"ced what are you doing here this isn't your table."

"as i said thought i'd keep you some company..."

"well i'm perfectly fine on my own, thank you though."

he furrowed his brows and stood up ruffling my hair but walked off before i could get him back.


as i walked into my assigned dorm i saw i got it all to myself, strange. maybe it's because my mother told the staff i'm transferring so close to the start of the school year. i placed my bags down and saw some of my larger ones were already in my room. with the flick of my wrist my bags unpacked themselves and my possessions were placed where i wanted them to be. i smiled at my work, changed into more comfortable clothes and laid down on my bed.


as my alarm went off i groaned and hit snooze two times before realizing i had already missed breakfast and had only 20 minutes till my first class. i stood up fast and raced into the bathroom across from my dorm (placed very conveniently) i did what i usually do to get ready and raced back to put on robes and a little bit of makeup, eyeliner and mascara. i looked at the clock and saw i had 8 minutes remaining. deciding to now in case the class was far.

as i entered defense against the dark arts i noticed hermione, dean, the red haired boy from last night, and the famous harry potter. i found an empty seat and opened my book until the teacher would arrive. soon a man with a limp came in and i could tell class was about to begin. many kids weren't in their seats yet and scrambled to get the remaining open ones. i was looking out the window to the view when i heard someone plop down beside me. ron. i didn't get the best first impression but i know i could be wrong about my assumptions.

"er- sorry, harry and hermione sat down and this is the last open spot." he said glancing back their way.

"oh well ok." i say quietly 'this was the last open spot' wow thanks really boosts my esteem.

"i'm ron, ron weasley, by the way."


after classes ended i walked back to the common room and sat down on a chair next to the fire. i opened back up little women and put in my earbuds to hear some david bowie. i sighed as i curled up in the chair.

"whatcha reading." ron said in a sing song voice as he crouched down in front of my seat. i pointed to the cover and he nodded. "little women, what's that about?"

i glance up at him take an earbud out and say "read the book and you'll find out."

his eyes widened obviously not expecting that response.

"oh well uh alright..." he said quietly as he slowly stood up.

suddenly a wave of regret washed over me and i said "briar rose, is my name."

"i know" he says but after seeing my brows furrow he speaks up again "i was sitting across from you in the great hall at dinner yesterday. and overheard your name."


"when you got sorted and when you spoke to dean."

"oh, well cheers." i said with a small smile.

he nodded and back away bumping into a girl behind him. i could see he got pretty flustered cause his face went red and he was stumbling over his 'sorry's' then made his way back to harry.

Loverboy - ron weasley Where stories live. Discover now