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hello beautiful people! i'm so sorry i haven't updated. i was with a friend practically all week and i hate to tell you this but im going to camp again for a week :( so i won't have my phone until next friday. im leaving tomorrow and thought i'd spit out one more chapter for you guys. i feel so bad im sorry. but i PROMISE when i get back from camp i'll be more consistent. i've been slacking too much. anyways, i hope you enjoy this chapter :)

time was flying by, and the third task was only in a few weeks.

over the past month briar had been studying more often, and hanging out with toulouse rather than her human friends.

she was in the great hall studying on a sunday.

"hello." someone had walked up behind her speaking.

she turned her head around to get a good look at who was talking to her, to see fleur standing over her.

"fleur?" she croaked out. "are you alright?" she questioned sitting down next to briar. "yes, i'm fine. why haven't you talked to me?" briar raised an eyebrow. "why haven't you talked to me?" fleur countered, repeating briar's actions. she swallowed not realizing she hadn't made an effort either, "touché."

she looked beautiful, as always. briar almost forgot just how tiring it was to be friends with fleur. the stares from boys, girls, anything really, them practically drooling, forgetting there was anyone else present. her long golden hair framed her face perfectly, looking as if it had never met an ounce of grease in its existence. she went on and on about how she was preparing for the third task. it was all anyone could talk about at this point.

briar couldn't wait for this tournament to be over.

cho fawning over cedric always gushing about him and how he was going to win, cedric modest as always, but secretly knew he had a good chance. harry not being able to catch a break, having his friends, especially hermione, tend to him whenever he needed it. fleur, not talking to anyone outside of beaxubatons expect for males who would hit on her, and constantly holding her head high for the competition. briar didn't know much about krum and didn't really care to learn more, but all she knew was that he was acting as if he was the king of every piece of land he walked on, having girls ask for autographs left and right, clearly enjoying the love and attention.

fleur snapped briar out of her thoughts by standing up, brushing off the non existent dust, "i will see you around yes?"

"sure." she answered, her voice barely above a whisper.


ron and briar were making awkward eye contact that week, catching the other one staring or looking at each other at the same time, then quickly looking away, occasionally sending the other a small smile.

they were in the common room after dinner, she was doing her transfiguration homework.

her hair was in a messy ponytail, her baby hairs falling into her face as she looked down to write something new. her neck was starting to hurt from looking up, then down, up, then down repeatedly.

she could feel eyes on her.

briar looked up to attempt and catch ron staring at her, but only saw a lanky red head standing in the way of her eye line.

it was odd seeing one without the other. nonetheless he still looked confident, but also as if his other half was missing.

at this point she could tell them apart easily, "to what do i owe the pleasure, fred?"

"you owe many things, but the pleasure of seeing me is not one of them." he smirked flirtatiously, sitting down next to her.

she couldn't help but let a laugh escape her lips, "you think you are so slick dont you?"

"well now that you mention it, yes, i guess i do."

she rolled her eyes playfully in response, going back to her work immediately.

"where's george?"

"off talking to lee." he replied moving his face towards hers, "say-"

"why aren't you with him? arent you two conjoined at the hip?" she interrupted him.

he ignored her joke and kept going with what he was saying, "say, what are you doing this friday?"

"studying." she replied dully, not catching onto what he was really asking. "merlin, you sound like hermione." he smiled. "no i don't!" she put down her quill to give him her full attention. he looked down to the table she was sitting at motioning to it, "you sure as hell look like it then." pointing to the books and papers sprawled out across the table. she squinted her eyes, looking up at him "what exactly are you trying to say?"

"i was going to ask if you wanted to do something fun. but seeing as though you will be busy, studying, i'll just ask george or lee-"

"what were you planning?" she asked knitting her eyebrows together, pursing her lips slightly.

"just a little joke on our ronnie boy." he looked over to ron, who was cluelessly talking with harry.

"you're on... what did you have in mind?"


"i think she's upset with me, mate." he mumbled as he looked over to her.

"who?" harry asked, half playing dumb, half not. "briar, of course." hermione answered for him huffing, "it's the only person he cares about anymore."

"that's not true-" ron said. "-yeah, he cares about me." harry intercepted quickly. they all paused before ron turned back to harry, "she hasn't talked to me in a while, so you think i did something wrong?"

"knowing you, yes." harry said, laughing at his own humor, "why not you just go talk to her?"

"i can't- she's with fred right now." he replied, obviously annoyed. "whatever," he continued, "i'm going to bed."

"it's 9 o'clock..."

"goodnight." he huffed as he walked up to his dorm.

once ron was gone, harry turned to hermione, "so, why were you so upset that ron was scared briar was upset with him."

"i wasn't." she answered rather quickly.

"are you jealous?"

"what? why- why would i be jealous- who would i be jealous of? briar? no-"

"why are you getting so defensive mione?" harry smirked, knowing he hit the bullseye.

"i am not." she said flatly.

"fine. whatever. i'm going off to bed too, goodnight."

"i don't know what you think you know harry, but you're wrong!" hermione shouted as he walked out of the common room.

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