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after dinner briar had to practically pull ron out of the hall by the leg to leave early.

when ron asked why they had to leave early she had said, "because, if you walk up to my dorm with other people in the common room they are gonna think youre shagging someone. so if we leave now then not many or any people will see us."

"all i hear is that you're disappointed to be seen with me." ron playfully scoffed.

"on the contrary, i'm in total infatuation with you ronald." she said as she grabbed his hand and walked up to gryffindor tower.


once they had successfully sneaked into briar's room ron sat down where he sat on briar's bed, while she made her way to her vanity.

after a few moments of silence briar walked over to a record player and took out a record setting it up to play.

once the music started ron perked his head up, "hey wait, i know this song. this is nirvana. they're bloody brilliant." he smiled, seeming as though he was proud of himself for knowing the band.

"howd you know that?" briar smiled back.

"well we have a record player at our house. ginny listens to this girl named britney and a band called no doubt. harry likes boston and the killers. hermione will play a lot of instrumental scores while reading or studying. although i have caught her singing along to spice girls with ginny. george likes queen, i do too, and the beatles, fred listens to kiss and metallica, and i like nirvana and led zeppelin."

"i'm very proud. you guys have good music taste. just add some fleetwood mac and i'm on board."

"oh, mum likes them." ron interjected, "and whitney houston."

briar hummed a response as she sat down in front of her mirror.

ron watched as she pulled her hair out of her hair tie and saw her hair gracefully fall past her shoulders. she picked up a brush and pulled it from her scalp to the ends, then ran her fingers through her hair to attempt to add volume.

"staring is considered rude you know." briar spoke up feeling confident.

ron tore his eyes away quickly and coughed whilst shuffling in his seat, mumbling an apology.

she turned to look back at him with her wide eyes, "come sit with me."

he reluctantly stood up from her bed and made his way over to the extra chair facing her.

he watched as she pulled out tiny containers of things and set them out in front of her. she started drawing on blue eyeliner delicately, trying not to smudge it or make a mistake. ron watched intently not even noticing himself leaning forwards in his chair to get closer to her. with nirvana playing softly in the background, and the noise of the tops of containers opening and closing, they were both at peace.

briar unknowingly started to him softly along to a song. ron had a strong feeling she had a good singing voice. her voice was already so soothing, it could put someone to bed. it wasn't too deep or too high pitched, it landed somewhere in the middle but closer off to the deeper side, which only helped how her voice could put someone to sleep. it was soft and milky but could be raspy at times. he had started to catch onto the fact that briar didn't talk much in the mornings, because when she did at breakfast, her voice would be raspy and low. but it soon went away once she got into a conversation. he had also picked up on her names for him. she called him ronald when everything was normal, or when she is happy with him, ron, for when they are around other people, especially adults, and weasley when she was upset with him. she had only called him weasley a couple times but it was always short lived. she called everyone by their last names, unless she was close with a person. and even though ron didn't like his full first name, it was kind of calming to know that she used his full name to show she was happy with him.

"finished." she said after what felt like only a minute. she turned to him, "do i look alright?" she looked nervous by biting her lip slightly and her eyes searching his for an answer.

"yeah." ron spat out after a long pause.

"um- right, well. what time is it?" she asked looking around the room for a clock. "8:50" ron replied.

"ah, would you like to come with me to get cedric? or do you just want to go down to the party and i'll meet with you later?"

he thought over his options for a second, he could walk to the hufflepuff common room with her and spend more time with her before cedric takes her away, but also risk being left out on the way back to the party and standing off to the side awkwardly. or, he could just go down to the common room early and get a head start on the fire whiskey. the second option sounded much better than the first one to him. "i'll just wait for you, it's alright."

"ok, and save me whatever they have down there." briar smiled confidently.

"i have barely seen you smoke, drink, or do any kind of drugs before." ron said surprised.

"yes well that was before i was more comfortable here. now you will get a more fun version of me. not so nervous and awkward around other people. i just need a little something in my system to kick it off."

"hm, alright. they'll probably have some different stuff like muggle herb, fire whiskey, and some drugs maybe? i don't know. i don't do a whole lot of drugs, mostly just the herb and whiskey. but luna always has the best stuff so i'm sure you'll get off it fast."

"right. well, save me a seat in the circle."

ron nodded in response before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him. silently, selfishly, hoping she wouldn't spend too much time with cedric.

dude i'm regretting the yule ball dress so much right now. i wanna change it but i don't really feel like it. might just have another ball next year so i can use another dress i like better

Loverboy - ron weasley Where stories live. Discover now