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"wow, they don't look different at all."

"what don't?" she questioned. "the dorms, they look about the same as the boys." briar scoffed, "well of course, they're only rooms... i'll be right back- stay here."

as she ran off ron put down toulouse where she ran over to her food bowl putting her paw on it. not knowing where the food was he saw some treats on her desk and just poured a handful into the bowl. he walked around her room looking at pictures, clothes she had laying out, books all over the floor, notes on her door frame that had reminders written on them, and other junk that was lying around. 'merlin she's messy' he thought.

pulling him back to reality briar walked in with the shorts fred and george gave her and the sweater his mum made her. she looked down to toulouse eating her food very quickly. "um ron... did you feed toulouse?"

"yes i did." he said confidently. "what did you give her?" he pointed to the treats and her eyes went wide. "what? did i feed her the wrong thing?" she quickly picked up toulouse and saw she had just ate all of the treats. "oh no."

"what?" she turned to him, "those have catnip in them." seeing his eyebrow raised she explained "it's something muggles use on their cat's. it gets them really hyper then their high crashes. it only takes a little bit to do the job. but a bowl full? i don't know what will happen..." she bit her lip picking up her kitten.

suddenly a thought crossed ron's mind 'i've killed her cat' he didn't know how to comfort people, especially girls, "i- i'm sorry. well at least she will be in a better place?" whipping her head towards him breaking out laughing. "ok i understand you make jokes as a coping mechanism but she hasn't even passed yet!" that only made her laugh harder, "ron, darling, she isn't going to die. catnip is perfectly safe! i just meant i don't know if her high will last very long or if her crash will, or both." his face instantly went as bright as his hair. seeing him embarrassed she set toulouse down to play with her toys. "come over here."

she opened her box of dvds and told him to pick one. "what are these?" she nearly chocked, "you don't know what movies are? you poor boy... you'll see, just pick one that looks the most interesting and i'll do the rest."

he looked beyond confused going through the dvd covers, after a couple minutes he handed her one, "heathers? alright." she stood up making her way over to a black box and opening it, then she opened the dvd box and took out a disc, inserted that into the box, then lights on the screen appeared. "what is this?" he asked holding it up. "it's the muggle device i needed your fathers spell for." she went and sat on her bed patting down the spot next to her. he looked at her reluctantly but sat beside her as the movie started.

since she had the room to herself she magicked her mattress to turn into a queen. so honestly there was enough room for two people to sit.

ron had become very much engaged with the movie until one of the characters said something that made his eyes widen. "fuck me gently with a chainsaw..." forgetting that part in the movie she stifled a laugh. he looked back to her terrified. "i'm sorry ron i forgot about that... what's the matter? keep watching!" shaking his head in disbelief he sat upwards from being on his stomach, "i- i don't want to hear how she wants to be... handled."

that made her laugh so hard she accidentally fell off her side of the bed "HANDLED?! you mean sex? right?" that seemed to make him even more nervous, he nodded slowly looking down. "oh ron. your so innocent."

"no i'm not!"

"it's ok that you are, i find it very admirable." that seemed to have changed the hotness on his face from fear to blush.

Loverboy - ron weasley Where stories live. Discover now