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i had a dream that ron was my boyfriend last night and it felt so real i was so sad when i woke up.

briar woke up late in the morning to toulouse playing with her hair.

she got out of bed and rushed down to the common room. seeing jessie sitting on a chair waiting for her she smiled brightly and walked over to him. "hello."

"good morning. you ready to go to breakfast?"

she paused thinking that maybe he was fake forgetting her birthday so she played along. "yeah." as they began to leave he started talking about his friends and nonsense. she started to realize that he maybe wasn't pretending. once he finally stopped talking they arrived at the great hall. "jessie?" he hummed in reply, "do you know what day it is?"


"well it's a special day today..." hoping he would pick it up.

"great." he left her standing by the door as he walked over to his friends. looking back at her he expected her to come and join him but she slowly turned and started walking over to ginny and neville.

as she sat down she announced, "i think jessie forgot my birthday." ginny rose her eyebrows as neville put his hand on my shoulder. before they could bid their sorrys she spoke again, "so, wanna hangout today? you kinda have to since it's my birthday." they nodded their heads reassuringly as ginny dove into small talk.

the owls swooped in and she caught her eye to her mother's owl.

briar aurora rose,

happy birthday! i love you and miss you so, so much. i cant wait to see you, when you come back home i have a big present waiting for you. i hope you have a good day!


by the side of the letter was a small bag with money inside.

after briar was done she stood up to go back to her dorm when jessie stepped in front of her "can't spend time today. the guys wanna hangout. oh yeah and, happy birthday, just remembered." he walked out of the hall with her mouth slightly open amazed at how cruel he was.

ginny, neville, and luna hung out with her until an hour before dinner. they all had their excuses to leave, ginny, realizing she had a paper she had to turn in the next day, neville, said he forgot to take care of his plant earlier so he sprinted off to its aid. and luna, she said breathily said "i have to go. i'll see you soon." and walked away.

she started walking up to gryffindor tower when fred ran into her. "briar- what are you doing here?"

"i came to spend time with toulouse and read." he nodded, "wait here." he sprinted up to the common room and after less than five minutes, out of breath handed the kitten and a book to her. he saw her glance up to the portrait hole, speaking very loudly to draw her attention back to him, "you don't wanna go up there... a first year accidentally set off a dungbomb." she nodded remembering the last time that had happened, and made her way to the room of requirement.

making sure no one saw her she quickly opened the door and made her way over to the bed already stationed where it usually was, toulouse jumped off of the bed investigating the room as she read. after a while she looked to the clock next to her to see it was almost dinner time, walking out of the room watching everything disappear. she knew she couldn't let toulouse into the dining hall with her so she set her on the floor, "go back to our room, i'll be there soon." she blinked before running into the direction of the tower.

over the course of the meal people started leaving early, first the twins and ron last. she was left alone with no one to walk with, even cedric and luna left early. starting to get upset feeling like everyone forgot about her birthday she went to the library, picking out books to barrow for later.

meanwhile in the common room people were standing around in the common room staring at the door.

"oi, when is she gonna get here?" fred said.

"did you tell her the right time?" george asked.

"yeah of course i-" ron paused. "oh no." he was too busy making sure the plan would work out and the party would be fun for her that he forgot to invite the birthday girl. he ran out of the room down the stairs thinking of where she could be right now. dinner was over so he thought trying the library. as he walked in he saw her, hands in hair, brows furrowed, eyes scanning the pages of a book in front of her, and her leg bobbing up and down impatiently. he walked over to the table she was sitting at. "briar?"

her head shot up. once she saw who it was her expression softened but soon became upset again. "what?"

taken aback he cleared his throat, "wanna come back to the common room? play some wizards chess?" she looked up at him squinting her eyes "why? you didn't even bother talking to me today up until now." huffing she closed her book and stood up to put it away. he stood up following her to the bookshelf she was walking towards. "i don't understand, you give me such a good gift and then during the day you don't even say hi. come to think of it, you only want to hangout at night. are you embarrassed to be friends with me or something?"

his eyes widened "what? no- no, no, no i've just been... busy today." seeing her roll her eyes and turn away he followed her again, "listen, i'm sorry. you're right i was being a jerk. can i make it up to you by playing wizards chess and letting you win since it's your birthday?"

she turned around facing him her expression much softer. she was tired of having no one near her today and thought everyone wanted to get away from her, even if he was just doing this out of pity she didn't care, she deserved to have at least a little bit more fun of her birthday. "fine, and i can beat you easy, even in your best day."

they started walking up to the tower and he got ahead of her to open the portrait door. once he walked in the room he raised his eyebrows and slyly nodded towards briar behind him. people seemed to get the memo, so when she walked in everyone said happy birthday.

she blinked a few times to make sure this wasn't a dream.

she honestly didn't like hanging out in huge groups, and wasn't much of the outgoing, non awkward, and 'party' type of person.

but seconds later she decided to just try and let go tonight and have fun. maybe even do some things she wouldn't normally.

she did deserve it.

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