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since briar wasn't tired she decided to sneak off to the library and do some research on different pets she could get at hogsmeade. she stayed up in the library and fell asleep atop some books until she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"briar?" a sweet voice said.

she hummed in response not looking up.

"um briar breakfast is going to end soon... you know if you want to get something to eat."

she recognized the voice to belong to hermione. shooting her head up and looking at her surroundings she realized where she spent the night. suddenly she felt how hungry she truly was.

"right..." she said softly as she grabbed her bag and headed for the exit.

she wanted something that could comfort her and to keep her company in general because of how lonely she can be at times. plus she didn't want to look like a loser in the common room sitting all alone. she had seen hermione's cat, crookshanks, in the common room before and found the cat to be very cute. she had only pet crookshanks when she was alone in the common room because she wasn't sure if she was allowed to pet him. but obviously a cat interested her. she had a cat back home before she went off to school and loved it, his name was percy. he was a ginger fat cat, but he died when she was 10. briar loved the idea of having another cat but she also wanted one to be magical like how they are in the wizarding world. she decided she would get a half kneazle tomorrow, still wanting the cat half to remind her of home, but also the kneazle half to experience something different.

she had invited fleur and some of her other friends to come with her but fleur insisted that she wanted to train to be ready for the first task. naturally, the other girls were more interested in training than getting a cat.

briar didn't mind, she thought she would just go alone. but remembering how excited cedric was when they went to hogsmeade together was adorable to her so she decided to send him a letter that he would get at breakfast. she liked to be dramatic like that instead of just talking to him.

she didn't even realize she was at the great hall until she heard a loud scream as she started to enter. flinching she looked down the table to see a girls hands slowly morphing into paws.

"george! how did angelina get ahold of it!?" she heard fred yell running over to her.

"i- i don't know i thought i put them away!" george continued.

"saw them laying in front of me and thought it was apart of the meal, so i decided to try one. but now i've got PAWS!" she guessed who was angelina to yell still somehow remaining in her delicate nature.

briar decided to ignore the scene assuming angelina wouldn't want people paying attention to her new body feature. she sat down at the end of the table, took out her book, put in her headphones, and started to load her plate.

about five minutes later from sitting down, she looked down the table in search of strawberry jam to go with her warmed biscuit. her eyes caught onto angelina and saw that her hands had returned, then saw red jelly about to be spread onto a piece of toast. she couldn't see who was holding it but swiftly stood up and walked down the aisle keeping her eyes on it.

"may i?" she squeaked quietly trying not to draw attention to herself.

the raven haired boy looked up at the girl with a biscuit in her hand. "i- um, sure." he said slowly raising his butter knife and handing it to her.

"thank you." she took a napkin and set her biscuit on it as she cut it in half and started to spread the jelly on the insides of it.

"your name is briar, right?"

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