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briar walked into the great hall late sitting down next to ginny and silently started picking at food.

"what's the matter?" she asked.

"i just failed this test in transfiguration. it's fine." briar answered.

"i'm sure it's not as bad as you think." looking up to see who was talking to her across the table she saw ron.

she didn't reply feeling utterly stupid. ron catched onto her silence and spoke again, "you know, i think i took that test this morning. mcgonagall had to pull me after class while everyone was leaving to tell me i had the lowest grade out of everyone."

she looked up puzzled "ron, if you told me you were struggling in transfiguration i could i help you."

"ah... i'm not so certain. there's no saving my education at this point. but mcgonagall did tell me that the last demonstration she had is do was the hardest and was worth most of our grade."

her face instantly flushed thinking back to if she was certain she transfigured her teacup correctly.

"she told me that we were supposed to make the teacup turn into a quill." he went on, slowly looking over to her. seeing her face relax a bit he took it as though she had transfigured her cup correctly. which obviously took a weight off of her shoulders. "ron?" she asked softly.

he hummed in response.

"i know you're incredibly smart. transfiguration just might not be your strong suit. i mean the amount of times you have beaten people at chess, you use a lot of your brain for chess. and it just adds onto my point."

not expecting any compliment at all he rubbed the back of his neck and smiled not knowing how to reply. ginny sat there watching their conversation unfold and grimaced slightly.


sitting in charms scribbling little doodles on her parchment, a hand came into her view and put down a folded up note. she looked over to see neville pointing behind a few seats to ron, who was acting like he was paying attention though he knew she got his note.

opening it inside i read,

'hogsmeade tomorrow?'

folding it back up, she looked back to ron, and when his eyes met hers she nodded.


the next day briar was taking a nap in her room, unsure what time they were going to go to hogsmeade.

someone started knocking at the door, but obviously being fast asleep she didn't hear it.

he opened the door slightly peeking his head in to see if she was even in there. when he saw her hand draped over the side of the bed he fully stepped into the room.

he walked over to her and examined how she looked. her eyelashes fluttering softly as she dreamed, mouth slightly open, her chest rising and falling slowly along with heavy breaths, her hair falling out of it's tie, he assumed from her moving around whilst she was asleep, and her cheek smooshed into the pillow which made her lips puff out slightly. as if she was pouting. he didn't want to but he wanted to talk to her. considering it to be selfish to wake her up, especially after all the times harry would. but he deserved to be a little selfish, right?

he reached out and lightly shook her shoulder until her eyes slowly opened. once her eyes were fully open it felt as though she looked right through him. after a few seconds her mind woke up and she quickly sat up running her fingers through her hair, "what- how- what are you doing here? howd you get in?"

"hello to you too." he teased lowering himself onto the corner of her mattress.

"hello, what are you doing here?" she asked again, more awake this time.

"well seeing as though it is almost 3 i figured i should come and get you. i knocked but you didn't answer so i just walked in. i hope you don't mind." as the words left his mouth he cringed realizing just how creepy it all sounded.

"oh." she rubbed her eyes, "well do you want to stay in here as i get ready?"

"get ready? why? it's only me."

"i want to look presentable." she stood up making her way to a vanity.

she wanted to look presentable. for her friend date? he guessed you could call it. she wanted to look presentable for their friend date. he repeated it to himself once more. she cared how she looked and wanted to look nice. 'i'm getting ahead of myself' he thought to himself silently. he walked over to the vanity and sat on a chair near it to watch her do, whatever she was doing. "what's that?" he asked.

"it's a muggle thing they use, called concealer. it's supposed to cover up the stuff you don't want people to see on your face." briar handed it to him causing ron to carefully examine it.

after a minute or so of looking at the concealer from every angle imaginable he looked up, "but why would you want to cover up your face?"

contemplating what to say next she bit her lip, "i don't know. there's just somethings i want to cover up..." she mumbled. not wanting to look as if she was fishing for compliments. she had seen lavender brown do it often by saying, 'i'm so ugly.' when someone, usually a boy, would compliment her. and the girls nearby would just roll their eyes. briar wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt and say that maybe she really does have low self esteem plus everyone likes compliments.

"you don't need it. you already look nice without it." realizing that he had said that out loud his eyes went slightly wide and looked down to his hands wishing he didn't sound so obvious.

"thank you." she blushed.

"why would you want to change yourself though?" he blurted out again wishing he hadn't.

"well, everyone has things we want to change about ourselves. like a while ago i dyed my hair because i thought my hair color was too bland. or how i had braces because i used to have a gap between my teeth." she smiled pointing between her two front teeth to signify that's where her gap was. "i think as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else and it makes you feel better about yourself, wear makeup, or straighten your teeth."

"so you changed your hair color?" he was visibly very confused with the concept of all of these things. she nodded continuing to dot her face with the concealer. "so... i could make my hair brown or black or blonde?"

she abruptly dropped her concealer, "why would you want to change your hair?"

"why would you want to cover your face?" he argued.

going silent she was at a loss for words. before finally speaking, "for the record, i love your hair. it's one of my favorite things about you. it fits you perfectly."

"you do?"

"i do."

they stared at each other for a second before briar spoke again "i also like your freckles." she paused, "and your nose." she paused one more time debating complimenting him again, "and your smile." she wanted to slap herself in the face so badly. why was she saying all of this? it's just going to freak him out.

his ears turned a light shade of pink, "i like all those things about you too."

it was safe to saw it got a little awkward after their complimenting.

briar, once again, saved the situation, "it's snowing."

"this will probably be the last time it snows until next winter." ron laughed.

she smiled at him and went on talking about how all snowflakes are different from the other. 'no one the same' she says.

i kinda hate the beginning. and i feel like i went overboard on the cheesiness. but idk i thought it was sweet😭

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