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soon enough the first task was approaching. fleur refused to 'slack off' and dedicated her free time to training. she was walking with cedric in the hall when she heard a rip. she looked down to see his bag ripped and saw harry potter running towards them.

"it's fine b i'll catch up with you in a minute."

she nodded and hesitantly continued walking not wanting to walk through the halls alone. after a minute she realized she was going to be late to her first class so went off.


"b!" she heard a voice yell to her as she exited her class.


as soon as he got close to her he whispered, "dragons. the first task is dragons."

briar widened her eyes. "how do you know?"

"harry told me, i don't know how he knows but he gave me a heads up. don't tell anyone i told you."

"who am i going to tell? your the only person who still talks to me."

he blushed and shook his head. "just- will you help me prepare?"

"of course. if you would like i'm going to the library, come with and we can look up spells and charms?"

as they walked down to the library she heard a cold voice call out to them.

"cedric! i'm voting for you!" she saw a platinum blonde pass them pointing to a badge he was wearing that when he pressed said 'potter stinks'

once he was out of earshot she asked who he was. she had seen him taunting potter and ron but never really payed that much attention.

"he's just this slytherin. not very nice."

she hummed quietly as they walked in to the library.

sitting their bags down she pursued the bookshelves bumping into hermione.

"granger." she said curtly.

"i'm guessing cedric told you- about the first task i mean." she got closer to whisper the last end of the sentence.


"it's ok i won't tell, i'm helping harry."

"uh well, yes."

after a silence of turning to pick up books she turned to hermione pressed her lips into a line and said "cheers." holding up one of the books and turning away.

after a while of examining spells briar looked up and realized something. "ced..."

"yes?" he said with a slight tone.

"we can't look for intricate spells... it's too obvious, too- cocky."

he furrowed his eyebrows, "what?"

"we need something simpler ced, those dragons have already probably faced other wizards and i bet those wizards used difficult spells to defeat them. the dragon won't expect something so... simple. it won't be surprised or angry if it is presented with something common."

"like what though?"

"well what classes are you best at?"

"well i'm not terrible at transfiguration..."

"perfect!" she cried out, "you can transfigure something, or yourself, to defeat the dragon. it's so simple it's not obvious!"

he smiled brightly at her finally understanding. "b, you are the smartest person i have ever met."

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