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briar sat in the common room one night after dinner and classes with ron, harry, ginny, neville, and hermione. she had toulouse on her lap and a new book in her hand.

"what am i going to do? i'm a champion and don't have a date?" harry said loudly.

briar rolled her eyes and looked up saying, "it's not like your going to die if you don't have a date."

hermione let out a chuckle while ginny stared longingly at him. he looked over to briar with a confused look, "sorry didn't notice you were here." he mumbled.

before briar could process what harry had said neville spoke up asking who everyone's dates were. everyone stayed silent, hermione with a blush on her face but stayed quiet.

"briar you must be going with someone." ron said leaning forward.

he shook her head slowly scratching toulouse's stomach. looking up at the clock she stood up saying she was going off to bed.

ginny then stood up quick asking, "sleepover in your room?"

briar didn't know that was allowed at hogwarts but nodded.

"perfect i'll meet you up in your room in about... 15 minutes?"

briar nodded again as she started up to her room.

once ginny was sure briar was out of earshot she walked over to ron loudly whispering, "you should ask briar!"

"that's not bloody likely." he said with a look of disgust on his face.

"oh come on now, she's sweet and pretty..." hermione chipped in.

ron looked between them like they had two heads. giving up hermione turned to harry then remembered ginny's crush on him. so she turned to neville.

"neville what about you? go as friends?"

"she told me she didn't even want to go."

"what why?"

"she said, 'i don't want to watch all the couples snog and grind up on each other, it will be crowded with people i don't like, and i don't know how to dance.' end quote."

"well for the snogging she can just look away, the people we will be away from the crowd, and dancing is easy any of us could teach her. plus i know there must be many boys, or girls, who would want to go with briar." hermione said smiling.

"good luck trying to convince her, briar is rather stubborn." neville finished.

ignoring neville hermione turned to ginny, "talk her into going to the ball."

ginny shrugged and nodded before bidding her good nights.

"please, they are auctioning her off like she's some sort of cake."

"where did all of this feminism come ron?" harry asked slightly smiling.

"what? i'm just saying."


"she said she would go!" ginny exclaimed sitting down at the gryffindor table the next morning. "well she said she would if i stopped talking about it. she is still asleep, didn't want to wake her."

"it's just a matter of time before someone asks her." hermione said while reading the daily prophet.

there were still a two weeks before the yule ball but it felt much, much sooner.

"we should take her dress shopping."

"ugh, hermione no."

"why not?"

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