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"are you all nervous for the third task?" luna asked. ginny scoffed slightly looking into her eyes, "that isn't for months. we don't have to think about that now."

sitting on the top of a hall overlooking the black lake briar watched as they discretely flirted, being the only one besides them knowing about their kiss. neville was finishing up his potions homework, briar helping him with the hard parts.

"snape already hates me, now he can use this" he said holding up his work, "against me too!"

"snape is a bully. everyone knows that, besides your hair is not nearly as greasy as his." briar laughed.

neville exchanged a small smile before turning back to his homework. ginny was talking to luna about quidditch as luna listened intently not breaking eye contact.

after a little while the sun was starting to set. neville leaving first, then luna and ginny. leaving briar, sitting on the hill by herself picking at the grass beneath her as the sun slowly set.

she felt a presence sit down beside her, looking to her left she saw his freckled face.

"what are you doing here ron?" she asked teasingly.

"well, i saw you weren't at dinner, so i asked neville and he told me you were out here." he blushed.

"aw ronald, were you worried about me?" she lightly hit his arm, causing him to sway slightly. "no. just didn't hear the sound of pages turning and thought something was peculiar."

"peculiar? big word. where'd you learn that one from?" she looked over to him raising her eyebrow.

"you." he said after darting his head to face hers. he looked into her eyes, concentrating into them. "your eyes are green." he stated. he already knew her eyes were green but just wanted to find a way to attempt and compliment her.

"very good observation."

he rolled his eyes, "i'm just saying, they are very..." stopping he slowed down his words "pretty."

she leaned closer to him looking into his eyes deeply, "your eyes are very... pretty, too ronald." she smiled before turning her head back to look at the sun. he watched her as she laid back onto her arms. "would you like to, um- come back out here? in about an hour? there's supposed to be a meteor shower, and i don't want to go watch alone."

"yeah. of course." he smiled softly looking down to her.

"brilliant, um... meet me at the astronomy tower? in about an hour?"

he nodded in confirmation watching her stand up to walk back to the castle.


she had a tank top on and the shorts the twins gifted her at christmas. grabbing toulouse she made her way to the tower, halfway there she regretted not going to dinner earlier.

as she arrived, walking up the stairs, she was met with ron's back to her, fiddling with a book in front of him.

clearing her throat he turned around and quickly stuffed the tiny book under his leg as she lowered herself next to him.

"did you have to bring the bloody cat?" he groaned.

"yes. toulouse didn't want to miss the first meteor shower of the year." she looked down seeing four sandwiches on a plate sitting between them. "is this your doing?"

"well you didn't have dinner... so i made some peanut and jelly sandwiches?"

"peanut butter jelly sandwiches?" he pursed his lips, "uh- yes. heard muggles love these."

she picked one up bringing it to her lips. as she bit into it she was met with the perfect mixture of both main ingredients. "ron! this is amazing! how were so so good at making these if you just learned what they were?" she swallowed. "well technically i didn't make them... the elves did." he mumbled picking one up for himself too. she was about to open her moth to say something again when she got caught off by ron, "is that the meteor?"

looking up she saw the light streaks piercing through the sky delicately. "yes." she whispered.

after a few minutes of being consumed by the sight ron spoke up again as it died down, "that was wicked."

"it really was." she agreed.

a cool breeze ran through them causing briar to tense up. seeing as though ron had a sweater on he wasn't as affected by it. he saw her goosebumps quickly rise and slid off his jumper for her.

"oh no, it's alright, really."

"come on, just take it." he countered. "won't you be cold?" she questioned.

"no, i was starting to get warm anyways."

that was a lie, he was honestly freezing but didn't want to see her cold.

handing it to her she great fully took it just after looking up to him as if asking for permission to wear it. she slipped it over her shirt instantly feeling warmer.

he stood up reaching out his hand for hers, taking it he pulled her to her feet. before they left the tower she picked up toulouse and looked to him. he admired how she looked in his sweater. it fell past her thighs just above her knees. she looked down to her torso to see a maroon sweater with an embroidered 'R' in the center. "it fits you nicely."

"i like it, it's big on me. making it comfier." she smiled.

they walked through the halls stealing glances at one another.

as they entered the gryffindor common room, ron silently walked briar up to her dorm.

as they reached her door she stopped and turned towards him only inches apart. looking up into his eyes smiling slightly. "thank you, for joining me." she said slightly stumbling over her words, "i would have felt awkward up there all alone."

he glanced down to her lips, for only a second, before meeting her eyes once again. "no problem." he put his hands into his pockets awkwardly, fighting the urge to kiss her "well, goodnight."

"sleep well."

he turned to walk to his own room, which he now had back all to himself because jessie was gone, when briar put her hand on his arm signifying him to stop.

"i think you're forgetting someone else you need to say goodnight to."

"i did?" he gulped, "who?"

"her," she said holding up toulouse. "be a gentleman."

he scoffed about to talk when she cut him off, "you know you love her. she just wants a simple send off."

"fine." stepping closer to her and the kitten he delicately placed his hand on the kitten's fur, "goodnight... beast."

"take it back!" she hit his arm harder than before. "fine! i'm sorry, you're not a beast, goodnight."

he took a step back watching her disappear behind her door, knowing she was still in his sweater. she laid on her bed breathing in the scent on his sweater, also knowing she was still in it but not wanting to take it off. she guessed it was because she didn't want to be cold again as she turned off her light and slid into the sheets, drifting off to sleep.

Loverboy - ron weasley Where stories live. Discover now