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"detention mr weasley and mrs rose."

"what? why?" ron questioned slightly raising his voice.

"for talking in my class, and just for talking back you have double detention."

"professor, he was just asking why we got detention. i bet he didn't mean to get upset. right ron?" briar said nodding to ron. "um- oh, yes."

"double detention for you too mrs rose."

she knew better the second time around to hold her tongue. as he began to walk back to the front of the classroom, briar sunk in her chair after realizing how many eyes were on her.

after a little while more of ron trying to start more conversations, and briar politely trying to tell him to stop so they wouldn't get more detention, class was dismissed.

"merlin that was terrible." she mumbled walking out. "it gets better after a few times." ron replied. "a few time?! i cant afford more detentions."

"oi calm down. you're acting like this is your first detention." after a few seconds of silence he picked up what she meant, "oh, you haven't had detention before?"

she shook her head with her head slightly down. "uh- it'll be alright... i bet since you're new he won't give you something too bad... although, it is snape..." even though he was trying his words weren't making her feel better. but she liked the effort.

"thank you ronald, but it's fine. at least we will be there together, right?"

his face instantly turned the color of his hair, possibly even more red than his hair, "yeah... we'll be there together." he said slowly.

she continued talking as they walked to the common room, but he was only focused on two things. first, the way her hair would fall in her face, forcing her to delicately push strands out of the way. second, the fact that they would be alone together in a room, well besides snape probably watching over them. he knew they had been alone many times before, but for some reason, the fact that she seemed at ease with knowing it would just be them two made him anticipate for the later events. and grow nervous for the fact that they would be alone.

he was snapped back into reality when someone pulled his books out of his hands. looking up from the ground he saw malfoy. "give them back malfoy." he groaned.

draco just sniggered and passed different books to his followers. ron repeated what he said again making him more upset.

"he said give them back, ferret." briar spoke up.

taken aback ron turned around with wide eyes and his lips starting to curl upwards.

"cant fight your own battles weasel? have to get your girlfriend to defend you cause you're so weak?" draco sneered causing ron's smile to instantly fall.

"oh, that's it. i'm finally gonna give it to you just like i did in first year." ron's knuckles were turning white from clenching them so hard.

briar had to admit, he was kinda hot when he got upset, but instead of taking time to swoon she held his arm tightly. "you're just gonna get in more trouble." she whispered.

"really shitty books anyways... what? couldnt buy any new ones?" draco laughed.

before ron could do anything briar walked up to him and punched his jaw, causing him to fall to the ground. she snatched ron's book out of draco's hands and held her other hand out to crabbe and goyle for the other books. "next time you say anything remotely close to that, i'll make sure you get much worse than a broken jaw." she spat.

turning back towards ron, who was in shock, she grabbed his arm and pulled him forwards, handing him his books back in the process.

"as much as i loved watching that- i could have handled it myself." he said quietly.

"i know," she sighed "but i couldn't help it. i'm sorry."

"it's alright, you were brilliant, really. but next time at least let me get in a punch too."

she nodded smiling. "i didn't know he was that mean."

"i'm surprised you didn't find out after being here for so long." he looked down to her, "remind me to never get on your bad side."

"i'm not that bad when i'm angry." she rolled her eyes. "no, no. you were actually very scary." he smiled, "but whatever happened to, 'it will just get you in more trouble' i'm not complaining, but you've only just gotten your first detention."

"i don't know... i couldn't let him talk about you like that." she shrugged.

ron blushed slightly, putting his head down to attempt to hide his cheeks.

"besides, when do we even go for detention? he never told us when."

"silly briar, it starts tonight, after dinner. and then tomorrow for our second detention."

by that time they had gotten back to the common room, "i'm gonna go change really quick, then before dinner do you want to play some wizards chess?"

he nodded eagerly before moving up to his own dorm to change.


ron looked down in amazement, "no, that- that can't be right." he stuttered.

"oh but it is ronald." she smiled up at him, "check. mate." moving forwards she put her head on her entwined hands.

she had cornered his king without him even realizing.

"this is barbaric." he stated. "i demand a rematch."

"silly ronald, we can't right now, it's time for dinner. just accept defeat and i'll go easy on the gloating."

"fine." he mumbled annoyed, "but i'm going to get you back."

"yeah, i'm sure you will..."

"yes! i will! that was a fluke, my mind was... somewhere else." he wasn't lying, he was paying more attention to how focused her face looked rather than the game itself.

"whatever you say. now come on i'm starving." she held out her hand to him.

he took it pulling himself to his feet.

"i can't wait to see what draco's face looks like when we get in the great hall."

"it's gonna be funny seeing him try to explain how he got that shiner. i bet he won't have the dignity to say a girl beat him up."

"twice." ron corrected. "twice?!" he nodded in reply.

"that makes the satisfaction even more sweet. he would be the type to call girls weak, glad i get to be one to prove him wrong." she smirked.

Loverboy - ron weasley Where stories live. Discover now