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"you know, the schools are going to arrive in a few weeks." Briar said quietly.

"i'm well aware b."

"just promise me you'll be careful ced."

"i will, i promise," he started tracing his finger over his chest "cross my heart hope to die."

she rolled her eyes. they continued walking down to the lake.

"so... have you made any friends yet?"

"um, kinda i guess?"


"well more like acquaintances, i'm not as close with them as i am you..."

cedric widened his eyes and nodded insinuating to go on.

"well it's luna lovegood, ginny weasley, and neville longbottom. they are very kind."

"ahhh yes luna is very nice and i've seen ginny practice quidditch around the same times i do, but i don't know much about neville."

"he's very respectful."

"i see..."

she glanced up at him. "there's nothing there cedric, even if there was i wouldn't start anything because i'm not planning on staying at hogwarts."

"b, you could at least give this place a chance."

"i am!" she shrilled.

"no you arent- you've made, what? three acquaintances. barely go anywhere in the school besides the library in the corner, and only really talk to me or teachers. it's kind of pathetic."

she was dumbfounded. "i can't believe you just said that to me."

"well believe it."

she crossed her arms over her chest and continued walking in silence. after a few minutes the tension was broken again.

"i'm sorry, but you know it's true..." he said quietly "and anyways, you should come and hangout with me more i can show you around hogwarts so you won't get lost as much."

she glanced up at him. "your always with that pack of preppy boys..."

"then i'll get away from them to hangout with you."

"fine, but only if you come to my common room sometimes with me because it's getting embarrassing sitting in there alone while everyone else is conversing."

"that is normally the definition of hanging out."

she soon reached the lake and sat down in the shade of a tree.

"how do you feel about seeing the girls from beauxbatons?" he started

"it will be... interesting."

"how so?"

"well i didn't tell them i wasn't coming back to school because i thought i could convince my mum otherwise, but you know her. very stubborn."

"much like you." cedric muttered under his breath.

"excuse me i am not stubborn."

"yes you are."

"no i'm not."

"fine your not."

"thank you." briar said trying not to smile. "i am excited to see fleur though, and my other friends."

"well yeah plus i can't wait to meet the infamous 'fleur' a quarter veela? that will be a sight to see."

briar hit his arm. "don't talk about her like that, it sounds like your objectifying her."

Loverboy - ron weasley Where stories live. Discover now