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when they arrived in the hall ron, for the first time, searched for draco in the sea of people. when he saw draco he nudged briar and made her follow his eye line. he was surrounded by people, mostly girls,  eagerly trying to hear how he got the bruise on his jaw. it seemed as though madam pomfrey fixed the jaw itself, but was too late, for the bruise was already forming.

"i wonder what he's telling people." she whispered. ron was about to reply as they sat down, but his attention was soon diverted to the heaps of food in front of them.

briar suddenly feeling very hungry, leaned over to her plate and took fast bites of her food.

she was finished less than ten minutes later. chugging her water to wash it all down.

most people would have found this scene pretty disgusting, but ron thought it was adorable. which slightly gave him a feeling he only felt when looking at a magazine...

once he realized what he just thought he quickly diverted his attention back to his food, finishing up his own plate.

harry soon came and sat down next to ron as they were both eating cookies.

"ron, i've been looking for you all day." harry leaned in thinking only ron could hear him, "i need to talk to you about something."

ron told her he would be back in a minute so they could get to detention on time.

after waiting a little while briar looked over at a clock and decided she would go by herself because she was afraid it already had started.

when she opened snape's door she already saw ron sitting down cleaning something.

"ah, mrs rose. nice of you to grace us with your presence finally." snape said coldly. "you and weasley will be polishing cauldrons... all of them."

'well that's not too bad' briar thought to herself. only soon realizing he had pulled out hundreds of cauldrons for them to clean. 

"weasley." he snapped, causing ron to look up at him instantly. "mr malfoy told me what had happened earlier today." snape spoke so slowly briar could swear time had slowed down, "that you, gave him that bruise. your punishment- the rest of the week detention." before ron could object snape talked again, "this is not up for discussion."

"sir, i'm sorry, but ron wasn't the one who punched malfoy." she swallowed thickly "i was. if anyone deserves detention it's me."

snape turned to look at her with pure disgust, "how were you able to do that to him?"

her eyebrows knitted together. is he really trying to be sexist right now? "i don't know but i did..." she thought for a second before opening her mouth again, "look-" she held up her hand to him "my knuckles are bruised." ron looked over to her as if she was crazy, but she paid no attention to it.

"very well." he said in his signature monotoned voice.

he went back to his desk doing, whatever it was he was doing, while ron and briar worked on the cauldrons mercilessly.

not too much later mcgonagall ran into the classroom calling for snape on something dumbledore needed to discuss with them.

he strode away but not before he laid down the ground rules, 'no magic, no funny business, no leaving the classroom, and no going into where his potions ingredients were kept.'

once he closed the door and his footsteps died down ron turned to her and let out a thankful sigh, "sorry i didn't come back for you, he caught me and harry in the hall and forced me to come back with him. and what were you thinking? i thought you didn't want anymore detentions?"

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